Re: [GSoC] Expressing interest in contributing to LibreOffice projects

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Hi Mohit,

thanks a lot for your interest in LibreOffice and in particular in topics around
UI/UX. You should start with the requested easyhacks to prove your skills, see
In case of questions don't hesitate to ask on IRC or this mailinglist.

Looking forward your contributions,

On 20.03.24 14:16, Mohit Marathe wrote:
Dear LibreOffice community,

Myself Mohit Marathe, a 3rd year undergraduate at Indian Institute
of Technology (BHU), Varanasi and I want to express my interest in
contributing to LibreOffice as a part of Google Summer of Code

I have been a GSoC last year for the project:
I can see there are multiple projects in C++ in the Ideas page.
Personally, I found **Improvement to the functions deck** and
**Comments in sidebar** projects to be interesting.
In case, if these two projects have already gotten a lot of response
from other contributors, I would really appreciate it if you could
recommend some other projects which didn't get much attention
and which is at a high priority for the LibreOffice community.

I have already build LibreOffice and read all the relevant
documentation that will help me get started in contributing.
Currently, I am working on some easy hacks, for which I'll be
submitting patches soon.

Best Regards,

Mohit Marathe

Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Designer and UX-Mentor
Tel: +49 30 5557992-63 | Mail: heiko.tietze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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