On 31.01.19 10:59, Gülşah Köse wrote:
I am working on ubuntu 18.04 with LibreOffice master branch. After same
warning "* WARNING : Unable to find the default value for
jdk.net.URLClassPath.ClassPathURLCheck - java tests might fail!"
autogen.input has enable debug and debug util. After even make
build-nocheck build fails every time with following error:
[DEP] LNK:Executable/gtktiledviewer
[LNK] Executable/gtktiledviewer
[GPK] odk_doxygen
[JDC] CustomTarget/odk/docs/java/ref/javadoc_log.txt
error: Source option 5 is no longer supported. Use 6 or later.
error: Target option 1.5 is no longer supported. Use 1.6 or later.
/media/gulsah/EK/libreoffice/odk/CustomTarget_javadoc.mk:33: recipe for
i've tried with java 8 and 11 and changed JAVA_HOME according to them.
How can i solve it. What does it mean error: "Source option 5 is no
longer supported. Use 6 or later."
sounds like the following commit:
commit 635b38704594851648f359477b53f2224b9e6ee1
Author: Fridrich Štrba <fridrich.strba@xxxxxxxxxx>
AuthorDate: Thu Jan 24 15:58:57 2019 +0100
Commit: Fridrich Štrba <fridrich.strba@xxxxxxxxxx>
CommitDate: Thu Jan 24 15:59:18 2019 +0100
Fix build with recent jdk 11.0.2
Change-Id: I0ee68e087e3973b6a148f9bfefc16581606d6568
diff --git a/odk/CustomTarget_javadoc.mk b/odk/CustomTarget_javadoc.mk
index a8f83dcd83c6..9bc62e0887d2 100644
--- a/odk/CustomTarget_javadoc.mk
+++ b/odk/CustomTarget_javadoc.mk
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ $(call gb_CustomTarget_get_workdir,odk/docs/java/ref)/javadoc_log.txt : \
$(call gb_Jar_get_target,ridl)
$(call gb_Output_announce,$(subst $(WORKDIR)/,,$@),$(true),JDC,1)
$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
- $(JAVADOC) -J-Xmx120m -use -splitindex \
+ $(JAVADOC) -source $(JAVA_SOURCE_VER) -J-Xmx120m -use -splitindex \
-windowtitle "Java UNO Runtime Reference" \
-header "$(PRODUCTNAME) $(PRODUCTVERSION) SDK Java API Reference"\
-tag attention:a:"Attention:" \
now, why do you have JAVA_SOURCE_VER = 1.5 ?
in configure.ac, there is:
if test "$_jdk_ver" -ge 10900; then
if test "$ENABLE_JAVA" != ""; then
if test "$HAVE_JAVA9" = "TRUE"; then
... so for JDK 8 you should get JAVA_SOURCE_VER=1.5 and $(JAVADOC)
should accept it, whereas for JDK 11 you should get JAVA_SOURCE_VER=1.6
and $(JAVADOC) should accept it.
possily your JAVAINTERPRETER and JAVADOC are somehow mismatched so that
the java is JDK 8 and the javadoc is JDK 11 ?
hmmm... from reading more of configure, i'm not sure if setting
JAVA_HOME is actually supposed to work, i think you may need to use
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