Re: how can i compile tc

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Vincent Dautremont wrote:
Hi, i'm just new here,
i'm searching for how to compile tc (if i've understood correctly, i must compile the whole iproute2 thing).
So i did like the read me file said:
1. Look at start of Makefile and set correct values for:
i did that, and then i doesn't understand a damn thing about the reste of the the 1st step about ADDLIB and LDLIBS. so when i type the make command, the compiling process fail and end before compiling ip.
Could someone give me better indications than this read me file  perhaps ?
I've never had to change anything other than KERNEL_INCLUDE and 
sometimes remove arpd from the build because I don't need it and it 
sometimes causes errors (for me because of no/wrong BerkeleyDB).
Just tried the 2.6.19 and 20 versions (I notice iproute-latest still 
points at 19). Neither build - Error on m_ipt.o. This was just a quick 
test against a vanilla 2.6.19-rc6.
Previously putting different iptables/netfilter headers into iproute 
include fixed this - was along time ago. Maybe Stephen will know - added 
to cc.
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