Re: tc filter

Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control

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On 18-08-2006 12:28, Andy Furniss wrote:
Jarek Poplawski wrote:

Should be:
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: proto ip pref 100 \
u32 match ip dst flowid 1: police \ conform-exceed drop/drop
Looks a bit iffy but I haven't tried it - I thought that would be drop 
whether under or over - if it's valid at all without action/ a police rate.
Maybe I should have written:
"Should be with a fairly current iproute2 and kernel:".

It's so called "New syntax" ("Old syntax" didn't work for me),
to add exceed action for zero rate. According to help rate and burst should be included, but it works anyway.
Jarek P.

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