Re: Can i attach another qdisc under classes or root qdisc?

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thank you so much for your reply,

but i doubt about
">If I understand your question correctly, the answer is "yes".  It is
>possible to have nested qdiscs.  Note that you can nest qdiscs if
>you are using a classful qdisc [0].  See also my list at the bottom
>of this message."

you mean we can define "nested qdisc" but algorithm in nested qdisc
must same as parent class???? i'm not clear it and
Is we can define nested qdisc with algorithm different from parent class?????
like this example tc command

and At step 4 about your advise
">   4. Now, you may attach a brand-new classful or classless qdisc to
>      one of your existing classes.  Repeat from step 1 for each new
>      qdisc."

tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb
//this left node hierachy for manage general package
tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 100kbps ceil 100kbps
//this right node hierachy for manage real time package
tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:2 htb rate 100kbps ceil 100kbps
// from your adivse at step 4, attach brand-new after define class
but Is it true??? because algorithm new qdisc are different from class algorithm
that qdisc attach it.
tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:2 classid 10:11 hfsc rate 100kbps
tc class add dev eth0 parent 10:11 classid 1:111 hfsc rate 100kbps ceil 100kbps
tc class add dev eth0 parent 10:11 classid 1:112 hfsc rate 100kbps ceil 100kbps

please adivse me about my assumption, :)

and Can somebody advise me about HOW TO do later in this topic.
i want to have got traffic shaper and my solotion is ...
i want to manage different traffic package (general package use and real time package)
so now i think about have got a problem with tc command, ... i think it can't setting
to manage different package with different algorithm HTB and HFSC
Do you have any idea about how to setting tc command example????

thank you

From:  "Martin A. Brown" <martin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:  *~ r a K u ~ * <e1605project@xxxxxxxxxxx>
CC:  lartc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:  Re: Can i attach another qdisc under classes or root qdisc?
Date:  Thu, 29 Jun 2006 09:14:52 -0500
>  : now, i'm learning and try to read a lot of article about tc
>  : command in linux for setting traffic shaper. but i'm doubt about
>  : In the theory about tc command ... In general, we define class
>  : under root qdisc but Is it can be possible ???? If we define
>  : another qdisc under root qdisc, Can i do it? because i have just
>  : read tc command syntax and i found this point ...
>[ snip mangled "tc qdisc help" output ]
>  : from above syntax at [handle][root /ingress/ ****parent CLASSID]
>  : Is "parent CLASSID" mean we can define qdisc under class???? so
>  : this is my assumption about that. and Could you advise me about
>  : Is it can do for real????
>If I understand your question correctly, the answer is "yes".  It is
>possible to have nested qdiscs.  Note that you can nest qdiscs if
>you are using a classful qdisc [0].  See also my list at the bottom
>of this message.
>  : //first .. define root qdisc
>  :
>  : tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: fifo
>Bzzzt!  Sadly, you can't do this.  A fifo qdisc is a classless
>qdisc, meaning that it cannot have any children.  (Poor barren
>  : //second ... define class under root qdisc but algorithm's not same like root qdisc algorithm
>  :
>  : tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 100kbps ceil 100kbps
>  : tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:2 hfsc rate 100kbps ceil 100kbps
>Well, you can't quite mix and match classes without having a parent
>qdisc of the type you want.  An HTB parent qdisc can have any number
>of children arranged in a tree structure below the parent.
>Similarly, an HFSC class structure needs to attach to an HFSC qdisc
>itself.  Note, though, you cannot simply change the class name from
>htb to hfsc and supply the same parameters.  HTB uses the rate and
>ceil parameters, but HFSC uses different parameters (rt, sc and ul).
>  : //later attach qdisc to those classes
>  :
>  : tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 10:11 htb rate 100kbps ceil 100kbps
>  : tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:2 classid 10:21 hfsc rate 100kbps ceil 100kbps
>OK, now, let's pretend that you have a classful qdisc (e.g. HTB)
>with two classes, 1:1 and 1:2, AND that you have a good reason for
>adding a nested qdisc to one of these classes.  If that were the
>case, then you could add the qdiscs to the parent classes in the
>following fashion:
>   # -- create a new qdisc, attached inside an existing class
>   #    hierarchy below class 1:1
>   #
>   $qdisc_add parent  1:1 handle  10:0 htb
>   #
>   # -- add a class to our newly created qdisc, and set the
>   #    rate and ceil parameters
>   #
>   $class_add parent 10:0 classid 10:1 htb rate 100kbps ceil 100kbps
>Note, that you'd still need filters.
>If I were you, I'd review the documentation for both HTB and HFSC
>after understanding the entire Linux traffic control model.  Here's
>a crash course, starting at the root qdisc:
>   1. The qdisc can be
>      - classless (e.g., FIFO, SFQ, ESFQ, TBF, GRED)
>      - classful (e.g., HTB, HFSC, CBQ, PRIO)
>   2. If the qdisc is classful, keep reading.  If the root qdisc is
>      classless, stop here.
>   3. You may add classes to your classful qdisc.  If your qdisc is
>      HTB, you can only add HTB classes.  If your qdisc is CBQ, you
>      can only add CBQ classes.  If your qdisc is HFSC...
>   4. Now, you may attach a brand-new classful or classless qdisc to
>      one of your existing classes.  Repeat from step 1 for each new
>      qdisc.
>   5. You may add filters to any of your classes (best starting
>      behaviour is to add them to 1:0)
>Very complex hierarchies are quite possible, even if not always
>understandable or advisable.
>Best of luck,
>  [0]
>      (N.B., this documentation was written without any reference to
>       HFSC, a newer classful qdisc.  You may also use HFSC with
>       child qdiscs.)
>Martin A. Brown

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