On 12/28/05, Leo Bogert <spam-goes-to-dev-null@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Wrong, it doesn't need a higher guarenteed rate. It only needs higher priority when borrowing bandwidth, and for there to be available bandwidth to borrow. If there's no bandwidth to borrow, then you're guarenteeing too much to other classes.
This is unneccasary. Setting a guarenteed rate , and then giving it an appropiate priority, it will use up to the full connection by borrowing. Also in my experience, depending on the game, they use 3-10kbyte/s.
It quite clearly shows, you need to think more closely how it works. You're trying to use guarenteed rate to control lending/borrowing which is the wrong way to think of it.
You don't do this through guarenteed rate, you instead do this with priority on who gets dibs on free bandwidth first. Having a higher priority, a class should use up to its ceil if the bandwidth is available to be borrowed. If all the bandwidth is over allocated as guarenteed then there is nothing to borrow from!
Think of it this way, say every single class is trying to use up to its ceil in bandwidth. When the base class has available bandwidth, it is going to look at all of its subclasses to choose who to grab a packet from. With over guarenteed rates, it may negelect classes because it will always grab packets from other classes since they haven't gone over their guarenteed rate. With your setup, say 30kb/s for apache. If an apache and ftp both start they may consume ALL of the bandwidth and completely starve things you don't want it to, like voice or games. The problem with over guarenteeing is that all of HTB's rules on lending/borrowing get bypassed and instead things just get allocated randomly.
I'm sorry for the double email, but I think my previous one was sent too early in the morning before I could think. I really want to explain in a way you can understand why over guarenteeing is not something you want.
Now, as for your actual problem, I don't think overguarenteeing is even becoming an issue based on the tc -s class show dev results you posted. As I mentioned in the other emails, the basis of where i think the problem you're seeing is has to do with how TCP throttles bandwidth itself. Either the transfer can't perform any faster regardlesss of eMule, OR it can but the burst setting should be tweaked. I've found that with some people, the transfers tend to be very bursty. I can get 70% of my bandwidth used on average for them, but it varies between 40% and 100%. With a small default burst, and the bandwidth otherwise used what will tend to happen is the tcp transfer will cap out instead near the 40%. If i increase the burst size for higher priority classes, they have a better chance of bursting to 100% of the bandwidth occasionally to give a better average rate.
Based on how I've gotten things working with my setup, I would suggest these changes to your script atleast for testing:
tc qdisc add $IF root handle 1:0 htb default 20 r2q 4
$addc 1:0 classid $cMAIN htb rate $IFUP mtu 1492 burst 30k
$addc $cMAIN classid $cMIRANDA htb rate 30kbps ceil $IFUP $q2 prio 2 burst 30k
$addc $cMAIN classid $cDEFAULT htb rate 10kbps ceil $IFUP burst 6k $q2 prio 1
$addc $cMAIN classid $cEMULE htb rate 4kbps ceil $IFUP $q1 prio 5
> It's undefined what happens when you overallocate, and is certainly not
> required to do what you want. 'rate' is guarenteed rate, 'ceil' is maximum
> bandwidth useable through borrowing, and 'prio' is priority this class
> gets when borrowing bandwidth. You should give emule next to nothing for
> guarenteed, but with a ceil either the max bandwidth or very close. It is
> then guarenteed little, but will borrow up to its ceil. Then guarentee
> apache most, with some left for default. the prio will mean apache has
> first access to any borrowable bandwidth, then default, then emule.
It _does_ seem to be necessary that the guranteed rates overlap.
Let me explain: I have 45 kb/s of upstream.
I basically offer 4 services: eMule, FTP, Apache, Miranda filetransfer.
To me, these four have different priorities: eMule should be consuming
the whole bandwidth if nothing else is being used. If someone is
downloading from FTP, he should take away most bandwidth from eMule,
let's say 32 kb/s. But then it might happen that I want to send a
file to somebody via Miranda because he does not have an FTP account.
Then the filetransfer has to be higher priority than the FTP transfer
and receive about 30 kb/s, FTP and eMule should use the remaining
bandwidth. But now it might also happen that - while somebody is
downloading from FTP and a miranda filetransfer is running -
I want to show a picture to someone which is stored on my webserver.
Thus, Apache needs a guranteed rate of 30 kb/s, i.e. higher priority
than FTP and filetransfer.
Wrong, it doesn't need a higher guarenteed rate. It only needs higher priority when borrowing bandwidth, and for there to be available bandwidth to borrow. If there's no bandwidth to borrow, then you're guarenteeing too much to other classes.
Furthermore, while all this stuff is happening, I might be gaming
or browsing the web and for this I need a good response time.
But I don't know anything about the bandwidth requirement of games
or webbrowsing, thus in my old script I gave a rate of $IFUP with
priority 0 to the default traffic so that it can take anything which
it needs.
This is unneccasary. Setting a guarenteed rate , and then giving it an appropiate priority, it will use up to the full connection by borrowing. Also in my experience, depending on the game, they use 3-10kbyte/s.
This complex situation with all classes being active at once
shows quite clearly why I want to have overlapping guranteed
bandwidths. It will never happen probably, but the situation that
I'm running a Miranda filetransfer and want to show somebody a picture
on Apache happens very often.
It quite clearly shows, you need to think more closely how it works. You're trying to use guarenteed rate to control lending/borrowing which is the wrong way to think of it.
The fact why I don't like reserving bandwidth with the sum of
child rates being _correct_ (not larger than available upstream)
is that this would make me "lose" much bandwidth, look at this
example which I created for testing:
eMule rate 8kbps prio 5
FTP rate 4kbps prio 4
Miranda rate 12kbps prio 3
Apache rate 8kbps prio 2
Skype rate 6kbps prio 0
default rate 10kbps prio 1
The sum of the child rates is correct, but I cannot make Miranda
or apache receive a guranteed 30 kb/s while eMule is running.
Thus, some kind of overlapping might be necessary for a perfect
You don't do this through guarenteed rate, you instead do this with priority on who gets dibs on free bandwidth first. Having a higher priority, a class should use up to its ceil if the bandwidth is available to be borrowed. If all the bandwidth is over allocated as guarenteed then there is nothing to borrow from!
Think of it this way, say every single class is trying to use up to its ceil in bandwidth. When the base class has available bandwidth, it is going to look at all of its subclasses to choose who to grab a packet from. With over guarenteed rates, it may negelect classes because it will always grab packets from other classes since they haven't gone over their guarenteed rate. With your setup, say 30kb/s for apache. If an apache and ftp both start they may consume ALL of the bandwidth and completely starve things you don't want it to, like voice or games. The problem with over guarenteeing is that all of HTB's rules on lending/borrowing get bypassed and instead things just get allocated randomly.
I'm sorry for the double email, but I think my previous one was sent too early in the morning before I could think. I really want to explain in a way you can understand why over guarenteeing is not something you want.
Now, as for your actual problem, I don't think overguarenteeing is even becoming an issue based on the tc -s class show dev results you posted. As I mentioned in the other emails, the basis of where i think the problem you're seeing is has to do with how TCP throttles bandwidth itself. Either the transfer can't perform any faster regardlesss of eMule, OR it can but the burst setting should be tweaked. I've found that with some people, the transfers tend to be very bursty. I can get 70% of my bandwidth used on average for them, but it varies between 40% and 100%. With a small default burst, and the bandwidth otherwise used what will tend to happen is the tcp transfer will cap out instead near the 40%. If i increase the burst size for higher priority classes, they have a better chance of bursting to 100% of the bandwidth occasionally to give a better average rate.
Based on how I've gotten things working with my setup, I would suggest these changes to your script atleast for testing:
tc qdisc add $IF root handle 1:0 htb default 20 r2q 4
$addc 1:0 classid $cMAIN htb rate $IFUP mtu 1492 burst 30k
$addc $cMAIN classid $cMIRANDA htb rate 30kbps ceil $IFUP $q2 prio 2 burst 30k
$addc $cMAIN classid $cDEFAULT htb rate 10kbps ceil $IFUP burst 6k $q2 prio 1
And as previously mentioned, check tc -s class show dev $IF results for atleast these 2 scenarios, ftp only, ftp and emule. Checking emule only might be useful to make sure it behaves as you want, but your previous stats missed the important comparison. You really want to be sure that ftp or whatever gets the same bandwidth with emule on or off. Your last stats only showed that emule will use up what's available, and gave no basis to know if the ftp portion was working correctly or not. The ftp only portion would give the comparison you need to see if it is working.
I hope I'm not ranting too much, and that some of this is understandable.
- Jody
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