Peter Kaagman wrote:
On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 07:56:09PM +0100, Andy Furniss wrote:
Peter Kaagman wrote:
But there is of course a src of packages I do not catch this way... and
these are the squid cache hits. Because I filter on destination the cache
hits get treated the same as cache misses. But cache hits are in effect
local traffic... they do not originate from the Internet.
If squid is running on the same machine as your htb rules then (I think)
the only way you can shape incoming traffic from the internet properly
is to use imq.
Not really sure what imq is, will have to look that up tomorrow.
I think using delay pools like Lewis says could be another way.
If you don't have much traffic that needs priority over squid then you
may be able to get away with shaping on lan facing eth with the same
settings as the delay pools.
If you use imq then you won't be able to tell which user squid is
fetching the data for.
Whatever you do remember that shaping download is shaping traffic that
has already been shaped by your link - so you need to back off from the
link speed to have any chance of getting control, it still won't be
perfect if you care alot about latency.
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