Hi Andres, I'm sorry for not being able to contact you before but this week was full of new problems. Regarding IMQ compilation I would like to point you to our web site where you can get new patchs, find a quick updated FAQ and our mailling list.
There we have all the patchs needed and keep then up-to-date with latest kernels.
In you senario, kernel 2.4.26 and iptables 1.2.9, you need to:
- patch your kernel using: http://www.linuximq.net/patchs/linux-2.4.24-imq.diff
- configure it to enable IMQ.
- recompile and install the new kernel as usual
- patch iptables: we've discontinued that "patch-o-matic patch" in favor of an iptables sources patch directly:
- then recompile and install iptables as usual. Be sure that libtipt_IMQ.so is installed by make install in the apropriate directory.
That is all. If you need any help feel free to join our mailling list.
Good luck!
ThE LinuX_KiD wrote:
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to compile IMQ with kernel-2.4.26 and iptables-1.2.9 and I want to know is this procedure is correct:
- In Kernel 2.4.26 Directory (/usr/src/linux)
# cd /usr/src/linux # wget http://www.linuximq.net/patchs/linux-2.4.24-imq.diff # patch -p1 < linux-2.4.24-imq.diff
- In Patch O Matic Directory (/usr/local/src/Patch-o-Matic) # cd /usr/local/src/Patch-o-Matic # wget http://www.linuximq.net/patchs/pom-20030625.diff # patch -p1 < pom-20030625.diff
- In IP Tables 1.2.9 Directory
HERE (I DON'T KNOW WHY), I NEED TO CHANGE DIRECTORY NAME: *******************************************************
# mv /usr/local/src/iptables-1.2.9 mv /usr/local/src/userspace
- Patch o Matic in action...
# cd /usr/local/src/Patch-o-Matic
# ./runme --batch userspace/IMQ.patch
# ./runme --batch userspace/IMQ.patch.ipv6
# chmod 0755 ../userspace/extensions/.IMQ*
# ./runme userspace/IMQ.patch # ./runme --batch extra/CONNMARK.patch
- Next, compile Kernel....
- Next, recompile IP Tables... and that is all (?)
Andres... _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list / LARTC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/
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