Hello, raptor, On Sun, 7 Dec 2003 14:11:10 +0200 raptor <raptor@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: [ cut for simplicity's sake ] : I have to change the : hashkey mask 0x000000ff at 13 : to : : hashkey mask 0x000000XX at 13 :"), fill in.. Probably 0x40? And btw, you are doing hashes by source IP, right? Why is that - some kind of ingress filtering? For a dest should this be "at 16"? : Subquestion : is there a way to see exactly which subsystem takes what cpu time, on the top/atop : output we see just the total SYSTEM cpu time but now how it is divided by the net framework.. : if we have such info we will know how to tune the system better ?! Have you tried sar? Debian: apt-get install atsar In general, I could be of no help, but I'm also very much interested in any replies you receive about a working hash syntax and methodology. Please share them with us. ;) ________________________________________________________________________ Cheers, Nickola -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCM d? s:- a- C++++ UL++++ P+ L++++ E--- W-- N o K- w-- O- M- V- PS+ PE Y PGP- t 5 X R- tv- b+++ DI-- D+ G e h-- r y** ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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