Hey I hve the same problem. My packets are marked, my classes are OK my filters are set OK and all packets are passing through the root class!! I think that this is a big problem. A know 1 more person that has the same problem!<br><br> ------------------- изпратено от mail.bG<br> <li>Силна Анти-спам защита <li>12MB Място за поща <li>SMS за нов емeйл и към двата оператора! <li>POP3/WAP Достъп<br> _________________________________________<br> <a target='_blank' href="/ads/adclick.php?bannerid=671&zoneid=13&source=&dest=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.bg%2F&ismap=">HOB БEЗПЛATEH AДPEC</a>