class htb 1000:10 root leaf 1010: prio 0 quantum 1600 rate 48Mbit ceil 48Mbit burst 3Kb/8 mpu 0b cburst 63Kb/8 mpu 0b level 0 Sent 17553816503 bytes 13078592 pkts (dropped 63733, overlimits 0) rate 730783bps 570pps backlog 112p lended: 13078480 borrowed: 0 giants: 0 tokens: -589 ctokens: 7412 Hi! Can somebody explain what is wrong from the above? I can't understand following relation: "rate 48Mbit ceil 48Mbit" and "rate 730783bps 570pps backlog 112p" Why the current rate is limited to 730KByte/s (and there is backlog 112p) when the rate and ceil are 48Mbit/s (6Mbyte/s)? I sent similar question some months ago, but there was no answer.