Hi. I'm planing to stop users from hosing my link with kazaa and other p2p clients that make high number of connections to the net. On my cable modem the speed drops exponently whit the number of established connections or connection attempts. I'll use HTB over ESFQ (if i remembered names corectly), but i can't find any info on ESFQ. I checked the kernel (2.4.20) QOS options and i can't see ESFQ anywhere. From what i heared only with ESFQ i can limit the number of connections made from my SNAT to the net. So where can I get any info on ESFQ? Where can i get the patches? If any1 know, will the collide with grsecurity patches? For any other solutions/sudgetions, that would help me shape the number of connections, not just the amount of data that passes thru the line i would be gratefoul. Have a nice day. -Tester