I mean that the only packets sent on the network are ARP packets like these ones for example:
What do you mean by "wants to resolve the remote address" ?
02/21-16:27:07.393165 ARP who-has tell
02/21-16:27:08.393168 ARP who-has tell is the fake address I used and is the emitting station.
You make me dream. I hope I'm just misusing ttcp because I despair of finding the right soft.
I can send UDP packets to addresses which have no node listening with ttcp just fine.
I can send UDP packets to a broadcast address with ttcp too.
Can you post an example of you trying and whatever failure you see ?
Sure: I used the example from the README file. ./ttcp4 -t -s
On my second station I get the ARP packets above. On the emitting station, ttcp quit after a while with these messages:
ttcp-t: connect: No route to host Segmentation fault
Any clue?
Emmanuel who is seeing the bright light of hope