Hi all, I tried setting the 'BW' parameter to 10Mbps for a 100Mbps link. Then i sent traffic as fast as I could and I got throughput of 95Mbps. So i guess that parameter is not used for rate-limiting a flow. What is it used for? Regards, Amit -- I'm an angel!!! Honest! The horns are just there to hold the halo up straight. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Amit Kucheria EECS Grad. Research Assistant University of Kansas @ Lawrence (R): +1-785-830-8521 ||| (C): +1-785-760-2871 ____________________________________________________