On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Sushil Suresh wrote: [snip, automatic rerouting when interfaces are downed] > Is there any means to automise the whole process. The effective aim > is to utilize the most of all the isps that are available at a moment > of time. > ( At the moment we attain this via static routing and we have one > personal monitoring this round the clock, in case a rerouting is necessary ) Okay, the thing to do is to figure out what this person is doing to check if the links are up. Once you know this, you put that knowledge into a script that checks if the link is up and run that script from cron. Depending on the status of the uplinks you then let the script select one of the possible static routings and enable it. (Rebuilding routing tables barely hurts reliability, *especially* if you do not flush the route cache). Hope this helps. Doei, Arthur. (The tricky part is the link-state monitoring... at the TCP/IP level this is theoretically impossible...) -- /\ / | arthurvl@xxxxxxxxxx | Work like you don't need the money /__\ / | A friend is someone with whom | Love like you have never been hurt / \/__ | you can dare to be yourself | Dance like there's nobody watching