Hi. I am a new linux user and i would need some help. I have a local area network with 3 machines and a RedHat 7.3 used as a router and connected to the internet and local lan. The bandwidth provided by the ISP is 128 KB. I want to make sure that my computer (Windows 2000) is guaranteed a 3KB bandwidth and to force the local mail server (installed also on linux) to upload mail at max 2KB. I need this because whenever i send an email i have to wait for it to be delivered because it just eats all my bandwidth. I also need to guarantee a 3K bandwidth for my personal computer because I am playing with my friends over the internet and if a download is made from another computer i just cant play anymore. I would apreciate some precise help (steps, links or software applications) because i really don't have time to read and understand all the documentation available al lartc.org. tnx a lot