"David Boreham" <david_list@boreham.org> Wrote a good question regarding the linux arbitrator (www.apconnections.net for details) "Interesting. Care to say why you didn't build on the existing traffic shaping technology in the kernel ? etables, tc etc ?" Response ... I suppose if somebody had suggested I look into these aspects before I started I might have? I posted quite a bit on ways to do this before starting. Not knowing squat about LINUX.... Did not get much useful help although people tried... When I found the existing bridge stuff , I knew I had a base for what I needed so I just stuck this stuff right in the middle, originally I did not intend to open it up (the source). Just wanted to see if I could do it. What I am really trying to do is find a solution for making a turn key. self configuring, throttling product, such that people can take it and plug it in. Talked with my friends at Cisco and Yahoo and other ISP's and determined there was not anything that matched what I wanted to do. (there probably is just could not find it) Hindsight tells me to be more useful I should have studied Linux a bit more, but heck without a goal I would never have even opened the kernel up... On another note, it was really hard for me to navigate the kernel, at first I could not get cscope up and had to do lots of grepping and finding to chase paths throught the kernel. Also to be honest I am much better at conceptualizing how to solve complex problems than I am at looking at code and figuring it out. I can do the latter but don't really enjoy it much. Is there any well written text a level above code on IPCHAINS and other kernel burgeoning features that I can read to painlessly form a conceptual picture? Thanks Art _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list / LARTC@mailman.ds9a.nl http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/