Re: Re: [release] ipsysctl tutorial 1.0.1

Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control

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Don Cohen wrote:

> > I'd like to ask for some clarifications, if not quoting, in the tutorial 
> > on page x321.html (not sure of section numbers) re: syn cookies.
>I don't understand what the question is here.
It isn't a question (thus the lack of question mark).  I asked for 
either a clarification or a quotation of the page mentionned in the FAQ 
to avoid confusion (or add some?) about syn cookies.

> > Dan Bernstein (everyone's favorite mathematician :-) ) makes it very 
>I was not aware of that.
DJB, as he is known, tends to be a bit strong minded and has a habit of 
thinking that everyone should want what he wants.  He also has a 
tendancy to write secure software and is a pretty good number cruncher 
too (has his own hash library, does cryptography, etc.)  Some love him, 
some hate him, but if you search for 'DJB' on Google, I'm sure you'll 
find plenty.

>I was also not aware of any such controversy, but I think the points
>below are correct.
I have a good feeling they're correct too, since I've been using syn 
cookies "forever" now without any problems of which I'm aware.  I'm 
surprised those mentionned haven't said anything (or that I haven't read 
it yet) that contradicts DJB (who was involved in the design of SYN 

Michael T. Babcock
C.T.O., FibreSpeed Ltd.

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