ipchains iproute2 and port based routing

Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control

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Hi all!

I try to make port based routing, because a have two connections to the
My router is a "one disk floppy router for linux". It is a big router
project www.fli4l.de. I try also to make a opt, it is like a plugin for this
This project uses Kernel 2.2.19 compiled with libc5 (because it is small and
you can use one floppy disk).

At the moment, iproute2 is not implementated. So i downloaded a old libc5
distribution and the kernel 2.2.19.
I compiled the kernel with the iproute 2 related options. I also compiled on
this system the iproute2 package.

On my router (at the moment on harddisk) i added the new kernel and the "ip"
from iproute2.

Everything seems to work. I tried a destination host based routing - works
But not the port based routing.

How is my configuration?

Three nics:

eth0 - - local LAN - masqeraded
eth1 - ppp0 - dialup! - A-DSL Provider
eth2 - static IP - S-DSL Provider - routet to another router.

This do not work for me:

Treid to route all SSH Traffic to eth2 and WEB Traffic to ppp0:

first, i mark the pakets with ipchains in the input chain [mark 1 is eth2 |
mark 2 is ppp0]:

ipchains -A input -p tcp -s -d 0/0 22 -m 1
ipchains -A input -p tcp -s -d 0/0 80 -m 2

second, i added two rules:

echo 200 t-dsl >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
echo 201 s-dsl >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

ip ru add fwmark 1 table s-dsl
ip ru add fwmark 2 table a-dsl

at last, i setup the routes:

ip ro add 0/0 dev eth2 table s-dsl
ip ro add 0/0 dev ppp0 table a-dsl

The maqerading is also setup:
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ

There nothing happens. If i try to connect with ssh or http from a other
host, nothing happens.

If a setup this with two "desternation host rules" it works.
I think there is something wrong with ipchains and the marking of packets or
ip rule can not read the mark.

How can i test, if the packtes get marked?
Anybody knows a other solution?
Is there a mistake?

Best Regards


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