Greg, : I wonder if this is a problem going out over the same NIC to the two : providers? All the docs I can find show each provider on its own NIC. : : I am setting up something similar and was just about to ask if I can : do it with one NIC connecting all the providers. That would save me : a bunch of precious PCI slots! You could always try the multi-port ethernet cards. They are usually a bit more expensive, but they give you up to four ports on a single PCI card. Occasionally, you may run into IRQ problems, depending on the card and your motherboard, but this solves your PCI slot availablity problem. The DLink DFE 570TX is the one I use (with the tulip driver), and it works well and reliably. There are, I'm sure many others which people on this list can recommend. : Life would be great if I could do all this on a single NIC connecting : all of those routers. Or do Neils and I both need a separate NIC for : each router? I don't think you *need* to have a separate NIC for each router, but if I were doing it, I'd want each router on a separate network. Good luck, -Martin -- Martin A. Brown --- SecurePipe, Inc. --- _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list / HOWTO: