Fwd: Re: [LARTC] "weight" parameter in htb?

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Subject: Re: [LARTC] "weight" parameter in htb?
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 10:54:01 +0530
From: Shekhar Joshi <shekhar@disha.co.in>
To: lartc@mailman.ds9a.nl

On Tuesday 02 April 2002 07:32 pm, you wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 02, 2002 at 03:34:08PM +0200, Martin Devera wrote:
> > > E.g. you might have a customer agency which needs say 256 kbps for its
> > > headquarters and 64 kbps for its factory. They pay for 512 kbps which
> > > means that they buy 512-256-64=192 kbps of "excess" bw available to
> > > both sites on demand. Well, it makes sense to me that they would be
> > > worried about the "headquarters" class draining the other class in case
> > > both classes have demand. They might want to say "We buy lower rate for
> > > our factory because Internet access is rarely needed there. But *when*
> > > it *is* needed we want to let the factory take at least 1/2 of the
> > > "excess" bw we buy even if headquarters demand excess bw too. We
> > > already buy 256
> >
> > well, you are right. However you should take into account that
> > even in cbq the weight is not precise argument. It influences
> > excess distribution but you will see some discrepancies.
> Yes - this and other CBQ problems are the very reasons I'm looking into
> alternatives. :-)  CBQ's "weight" parameter semantics is rather opaque
> and it is difficult to predict how a given weight value will influence
> excess bw distribution. I also suspect that CBQ's weight doesn't give me
> complete independence on rate ratios although I'm not sure here (yet).
> > As I'm working on new version I'll try to do it - if it will not
> > slow things down.
> > It is because with assmption that "weight" is proportional to rate
> > we can make some algorithms faster ...
> > We will see ;)

hello devik
i am not sure what i am talking about :), but can we have some sort of a
keyword where by we might be able to use excess bandwdith (basically pump
excess bw from a class specifically created for addressing excess bandwidth
to its cousin class)

say in the same example as above,

		root class 512

		    	|            create a new classs to

child class A 320		|            address excess bandwidth
          ceil 320        	|             child class B 192 ceil 192

         ---------------------                      ---------------------

       256               64                  86                 86
    ceiil 256        ceil 64             ceil 192        ceil 192

so in the above if we are able to pump the excess bandwidth addressed in
"child classes of class B" to the "child classes in in class A"  then we will
be more or less have a more control on the excess bandwith than using the
weight parameter.
so can this be done ? or is it already possible ?

regards / shekhar

> Then I hope it will be possible to implement it in such a manner that it
> wouldn't hurt those who don't use it.
> Anyway, thanks a lot. :-)
> 	pvl
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