Martin Devera wrote: >Your setup doesn't make much sense. Two htbs can be done >but there is no benefit. > Well... what I'm trying to do is to get a 50Kbytes/s slice in which ICMP and ssh should work perceptible faster than other and, below, http should work perceptible faster than the rest. I try to put the first htb for the 50K overall limit and then make PRIO as qdisc for the first htb. Each of the bands from this PRIO should have some form of limitting and I thought htb would do nice here to. In my view (everybody, please correct me if I'm wrong...) there should be some form of upper limit for the bands of PRIO so I can avoid the sittuation where e.g. 15 machines start to ping so the PRIO's band 0 is always full and no other traffic works... >tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 100:2 handle 102:1 is wrong >because each qdisc handle takes form X:0 not X:1 ... >devik > Thanks, I'll try it. :)