Mario, I looked at the conf. First don't use prio 4 - it is the same as prio 3 (htb does prios 0..3). How do you measure the latency ? Ping ? How big packet, which ip is pinged ? You use prio and other schedulers on ppp ... Goes the ping packet through them ? Did you tested for sure that packets are enqueued into right class (tc -s class show dev eth0) ? There is no reason why it should not work - but you must be sure where is the packet delayed. Regarding your first mail I read - seems you are not alone having the problem .. who else ? I've read something about 2 year old post - the htb was not there at that time so that the problem might be related to prio+tbf+red chain ? If it could be htb problem I'm ready to look at it (although I've been solving almost ten reports like this and only first two were really htb bugs - other was mainly bad setup, bad expectations or bad measuring). I don't want to be alibistic only I'm short of time as I work in new htb algorithm ;) devik