Re: [PATCH 2/2] adds cgroup tests on KVM guests with first test

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Dne 3.11.2011 07:04, Suqin napsal(a):
On 09/23/2011 12:29 AM, Lukas Doktor wrote:
basic structure:
  * similar to general client/tests/cgroup/ test (imports from the
  * uses classes for better handling
  * improved logging and error handling
  * checks/repair the guests after each subtest
  * subtest mapping is specified in test dictionary in
  * allows to specify tests/repetions in tests_base.cfg
             (cgroup_tests = "re1[:loops] re2[:loops] ...")

* Two similar tests for blkio.weight functionality inside the guest using
    direct io and virtio_blk driver
  * Function:
  1) On 2 VMs adds small (10MB) virtio_blk disk
  2) Assigns each to different cgroup and sets blkio.weight 100/1000
  3) Runs dd with flag=direct (read/write) from the virtio_blk disk
  4) After 1 minute checks the results. If the ratio is better then 1:3,
     test passes

Signed-off-by: Lukas Doktor<ldoktor@xxxxxxxxxx>
  client/tests/kvm/subtests.cfg.sample |    7 +
client/tests/kvm/tests/ | 316 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 client/tests/cgroup/
  create mode 100644 client/tests/kvm/tests/

diff --git a/client/tests/cgroup/ b/client/tests/cgroup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/subtests.cfg.sample b/client/tests/kvm/subtests.cfg.sample
index 74e550b..79e0656 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/subtests.cfg.sample
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/subtests.cfg.sample
@@ -848,6 +848,13 @@ variants:
          only Linux
          type = iofuzz

+    - cgroup:
+        type = cgroup
+        # cgroup_tests = "re1[:loops] re2[:loops] ..."
+        cgroup_tests = ".*:1"
+        vms += " vm2"
+        extra_params += " -snapshot"

you run blkio with snapshot ? sometimes we need to group diff real guests not snapshot
The actual tested disks are added inside the test with additional parameter snapshot=off. I'm using snapshot on the main disk only and because the VM dies quite often (usually during cleanup part).

- virtio_console: install setup image_copy unattended_install.cdrom
          only Linux
          vms = ''
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/tests/ b/client/tests/kvm/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d0ec43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+cgroup autotest test (on KVM guest)
+@author: Lukas Doktor<ldoktor@xxxxxxxxxx>
+@copyright: 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
+import logging, re, sys, tempfile, time, traceback
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
+from autotest_lib.client.tests.cgroup.cgroup_common import Cgroup, CgroupModules
+def run_cgroup(test, params, env):
+    """
+    Tests the cgroup functions on KVM guests.
+     * Uses variable tests (marked by TODO comment) to map the subtests
+    """
+    vms = None
+    tests = None
+    # Tests
+    class _TestBlkioBandwidth:
+        """
+        BlkioBandwidth dummy test
+         * Use it as a base class to an actual test!
+ * self.dd_cmd and attr '_set_properties' have to be implemented + * It prepares 2 vms and run self.dd_cmd to simultaniously stress the + machines. After 1 minute it kills the dd and gather the throughput
+            informations.
+        """
+        def __init__(self, vms, modules):
+            """
+            Initialization
+            @param vms: list of vms
+            @param modules: initialized cgroup module class
+            """
+            self.vms = vms      # Virt machines
+            self.modules = modules          # cgroup module handler
+            self.blkio = Cgroup('blkio', '')    # cgroup blkio handler
+            self.files = []     # Temporary files (files of virt disks)
+ self.devices = [] # Temporary virt devices (PCI drive 1 per vm) + self.dd_cmd = None # DD command used to test the throughput
+        def cleanup(self):
+            """
+            Cleanup
+            """
+            err = ""
+            try:
+                for i in range (2):
+                    vms[i].monitor.cmd("pci_del %s" % self.devices[i])
+                    self.files[i].close()
+            except Exception, inst:
+                err += "\nCan't remove PCI drive: %s" % inst
+            try:
+                del(self.blkio)
+            except Exception, inst:
+                err += "\nCan't remove Cgroup: %s" % inst
+            if err:
+                logging.error("Some parts of cleanup failed:%s", err)
+ raise error.TestError("Some parts of cleanup failed:%s" % err)
+        def init(self):
+            """
+            Initialization
+             * assigns vm1 and vm2 into cgroups and sets the properties
+             * creates a new virtio device and adds it into vms
+            """
+            if test.tagged_testname.find('virtio_blk') == -1:
+ logging.warn("You are executing non-virtio_blk test but this "
+                             "particular subtest uses manually added "
+                             "'virtio_blk' device.")

emm... we can also run blkio test with ide.
Anything except virtio_blk seems to ignore the flag=direct flag in dd. I tested this booth manually and using this test. Anyway if you are sure it should be supported, I can use get_device_driver() function and use the tested VM's driver.

+            if not self.dd_cmd:
+ raise error.TestError("Corrupt class, aren't you trying to run " + "parent _TestBlkioBandwidth() function?")
+            if len(self.vms)<  2:
+                raise error.TestError("Test needs at least 2 vms.")
+            # cgroups
+            pwd = []
+            blkio = self.blkio
+            if blkio.initialize(self.modules):
+ raise error.TestError("Could not initialize blkio Cgroup")
+            for i in range(2):
+                pwd.append(blkio.mk_cgroup())
+                if pwd[i] == None:
+                    raise error.TestError("Can't create cgroup")
+ if blkio.set_cgroup(self.vms[i].get_shell_pid(), pwd[i]):
+                    raise error.TestError("Could not set cgroup")
+                # Move all existing threads into cgroup
+                for tmp in utils.system_output("ps -L --ppid=%d -o lwp"
+ % self.vms[i].get_shell_pid()).split('\n')[1:]:
+                    if blkio.set_cgroup(int(tmp), pwd[i]):
+                        raise error.TestError("Could not set cgroup")
+            if self.blkio.set_property("blkio.weight", 100, pwd[0]):

it's better to set bandwidth configurable. and there maybe more than 2 groups.
Yes, I can imagine parameter which defines cgroup values.

+                raise error.TestError("Could not set blkio.weight")
+            if self.blkio.set_property("blkio.weight", 1000, pwd[1]):
+                raise error.TestError("Could not set blkio.weight")
+            # Add dumm drives
+            for i in range(2):
   +                self.files.append(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+                                        prefix="cgroup-disk-",
+                                        suffix=".iso"))
+ utils.system("dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1M count=10&>/dev/null"
+                             % (self.files[i].name))
+ out = vms[i].monitor.cmd("pci_add auto storage file=%s,"
+                                "if=virtio,snapshot=off,cache=off"
+                                % (self.files[i].name))
+ out ='OK domain (\d+), bus (\d+), slot (\d+), '
+                                 'function \d+', out).groups()
+                self.devices.append("%s:%s:%s" % out)
+        def run(self):
+            """
+            Actual test:
+             * executes self.dd_cmd simultanously on both vms.
+            """
+            sessions = []
+            out = []
+            sessions.append(vms[0].wait_for_login(timeout=30))
+            sessions.append(vms[1].wait_for_login(timeout=30))
+            sessions.append(vms[0].wait_for_login(timeout=30))
+            sessions.append(vms[1].wait_for_login(timeout=30))
+            sessions[0].sendline(self.dd_cmd)
+            sessions[1].sendline(self.dd_cmd)
+            time.sleep(60)
+            cmd = "rm -f /tmp/cgroup_lock; killall -9 dd"
+            sessions[2].sendline(cmd)
+            sessions[3].sendline(cmd)
+ re_dd = (r'(\d+) bytes \(\d+\.*\d* \w*\) copied, (\d+\.*\d*) s, '
+                      '\d+\.*\d* \w./s')
+            out = []
+            for i in range(2):
+                out.append(sessions[i].read_up_to_prompt())
+                out[i] = [int(_[0])/float(_[1])
+                            for _ in re.findall(re_dd, out[i])[1:-1]]
+                logging.debug("dd(%d) output: %s", i, out[i])
+ out[i] = [min(out[i]), sum(out[i])/len(out[i]), max(out[i]),
+                          len(out[i])]
+            for session in sessions:
+                session.close()
+ logging.debug("dd values (min,avg,max,ddloops):\nout1: %s\nout2: %s"
+                          ,out[0], out[1])
+            out1 = out[0][1]
+            out2 = out[1][1]
+            # In theory out1 should be 10times smaller, than out2.
+            if out1*3>  out2:
+ raise error.TestFail("dd values: %s:%s (1:%f), limit 1:2.5"
+                                     ", theoretical: 1:10"
+                                     % (out1, out2, out2/out1))
+            else:
+"dd values: %s:%s (1:%s)", out1, out2, out2/out1)
+    class TestBlkioBandwidthWeigthRead(_TestBlkioBandwidth):
+        """
+ Tests the blkio.weight capability using simultanious read on 2 vms
+        """
+        def __init__(self, vms, modules):
+            """
+            Initialization
+            @param vms: list of vms
+            @param modules: initialized cgroup module class
+            """
+            _TestBlkioBandwidth.__init__(self, vms, modules)
+ self.dd_cmd = ("export FILE=$(ls /dev/vd* | tail -n 1); touch " + "/tmp/cgroup_lock ; while [ -e /tmp/cgroup_lock ];" + "do dd if=$FILE of=/dev/null iflag=direct bs=100K;"
+                           "done")
+    class TestBlkioBandwidthWeigthWrite(_TestBlkioBandwidth):
+        """
+ Tests the blkio.weight capability using simultanious write on 2 vms
+        """
+        def __init__(self, vms, modules):
+            """
+            Initialization
+            @param vms: list of vms
+            @param modules: initialized cgroup module class
+            """
+            _TestBlkioBandwidth.__init__(self, vms, modules)
+ self.dd_cmd = ('export FILE=$(ls /dev/vd* | tail -n 1); touch ' + '/tmp/cgroup_lock ; while [ -e /tmp/cgroup_lock ];' + 'do dd if=/dev/zero of=$FILE oflag=direct bs=100K;'
+                           'done')
+    def _check_vms(vms):
+        """
+        Checks the vitality of VM
+        @param vms: list of vm's
+        """
+        for i in range(len(vms)):
+            vms[i].verify_alive()
+            _ = vms[i].wait_for_login(timeout=60)
+            out = _.cmd_output("dmesg -c")
+            _.close()
+            del(_)
+            if out.find("BUG") != -1:
+                logging.error("BUG occured in dmesg:\n%s", out)
+                logging.warn("recreate VM(%s)", i)
+ # The vm have to be recreate to reset the qemu PCI state
+                vms[i].create()
+    # Setup
+    # TODO: Add all new tests here
+ tests = {"blkio_bandwidth_weigth_read" : TestBlkioBandwidthWeigthRead, + "blkio_bandwidth_weigth_write" : TestBlkioBandwidthWeigthWrite,
+            }
+    modules = CgroupModules()
+    if (modules.init(['cpuset', 'cpu', 'cpuacct', 'memory', 'devices',
+                      'freezer', 'net_cls', 'blkio'])<= 0):
+        raise error.TestFail('Can\'t mount any cgroup modules')
+    # Add all vms
+    vms = []
+    for vm in params.get("vms", "main_vm").split():
+        vm = env.get_vm(vm)
+        vm.verify_alive()
+        timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
+        _ = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
+        _.close()
+        del(_)
+        vms.append(vm)
+    # Execute tests
+    results = ""
+    # cgroup_tests = "re1[:loops] re2[:loops] ... ... ..."
+    for j in params.get("cgroup_tests").split():
+        try:
+            loops = int(j[j.rfind(':')+1:])
+            j = j[:j.rfind(':')]
+        except:
+            loops = 1
+        for _loop in range(loops):
+            for i in [_ for _ in tests.keys() if re.match(j, _)]:
+      "%s: Entering the test", i)
+                try:
+                    _check_vms(vms)
+                    tst = tests[i](vms, modules)
+                    tst.init()
+                except error.TestFail, inst:
+ logging.error("%s: Leaving, test FAILED (TestFail): %s",
+                                  i, inst)
+ results += "\n * %s: Test FAILED (TestFail): %s" % (i, inst)
+                    try:
+                        tst.cleanup()
+                    except Exception, inst:
+                        tmps = ""
+                        for tmp in traceback.format_exception(
+                                                sys.exc_info()[0],
+                                                sys.exc_info()[1],
+                                                sys.exc_info()[2]):
+                            tmps += "%s cleanup: %s" % (i, tmp)
+"%s: cleanup also failed\n%s", i, tmps)
+                except error.TestError, inst:
+                    tmps = ""
+                    for tmp in traceback.format_exception(
+                                            sys.exc_info()[0],
+                                            sys.exc_info()[1],
+                                            sys.exc_info()[2]):
+                        tmps += "%s: %s" % (i, tmp)
+ logging.error("%s: Leaving, test FAILED (TestError): %s",
+                                  i, tmps)
+ results += "\n * %s: Test FAILED (TestError): %s"% (i, inst)
+                    try:
+                        tst.cleanup()
+                    except Exception, inst:
+ logging.warn("%s: cleanup also failed: %s\n", i, inst)
+                except Exception, inst:
+                    tmps = ""
+                    for tmp in traceback.format_exception(
+                                            sys.exc_info()[0],
+                                            sys.exc_info()[1],
+                                            sys.exc_info()[2]):
+                        tmps += "%s: %s" % (i, tmp)
+ logging.error("%s: Leaving, test FAILED (Exception): %s",
+                                  i, tmps)
+ results += "\n * %s: Test FAILED (Exception): %s"% (i, inst)
+                    try:
+                        tst.cleanup()
+                    except Exception, inst:
+ logging.warn("%s: cleanup also failed: %s\n", i, inst)
+                else:
+                    try:
+                        tst.cleanup()
+                    except Exception, inst:
+                        tmps = ""
+                        for tmp in traceback.format_exception(
+                                                sys.exc_info()[0],
+                                                sys.exc_info()[1],
+                                                sys.exc_info()[2]):
+                            tmps += "%s cleanup: %s" % (i, tmp)
+"%s: Leaving, test passed but cleanup "
+                                     "FAILED\n%s", i, tmps)
+ results += ("\n * %s: Test passed but cleanup FAILED"
+                                    % (i))
+                    else:
+              "%s: Leaving, test PASSED", i)
+                        results += "\n * %s: Test PASSED" % (i)
+"SUM: All tests finished (%d PASS / %d FAIL = %d TOTAL)%s",
+                 results.count("PASSED"), results.count("FAILED"),
+ (results.count("PASSED")+results.count("FAILED")), results)
+    if results.count("FAILED"):
+        raise error.TestFail("Some subtests failed")

Thanks for review, this test is already upstream (with some changes). I'm going to finish couple more subtests (cpu, cpuset, memory) and than backport it into our virtlab. It should be straight forward as it's a single-file test with few additional functions.

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