On 09/23/2011 12:29 AM, Lukas Doktor wrote:
basic structure:
* similar to general client/tests/cgroup/ test (imports from the
* uses classes for better handling
* improved logging and error handling
* checks/repair the guests after each subtest
* subtest mapping is specified in test dictionary in cgroup.py
* allows to specify tests/repetions in tests_base.cfg
(cgroup_tests = "re1[:loops] re2[:loops] ...")
* Two similar tests for blkio.weight functionality inside the guest using
direct io and virtio_blk driver
* Function:
1) On 2 VMs adds small (10MB) virtio_blk disk
2) Assigns each to different cgroup and sets blkio.weight 100/1000
3) Runs dd with flag=direct (read/write) from the virtio_blk disk
4) After 1 minute checks the results. If the ratio is better then 1:3,
test passes
Signed-off-by: Lukas Doktor<ldoktor@xxxxxxxxxx>
client/tests/kvm/subtests.cfg.sample | 7 +
client/tests/kvm/tests/cgroup.py | 316 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 client/tests/cgroup/__init__.py
create mode 100644 client/tests/kvm/tests/cgroup.py
diff --git a/client/tests/cgroup/__init__.py b/client/tests/cgroup/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/subtests.cfg.sample b/client/tests/kvm/subtests.cfg.sample
index 74e550b..79e0656 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/subtests.cfg.sample
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/subtests.cfg.sample
@@ -848,6 +848,13 @@ variants:
only Linux
type = iofuzz
+ - cgroup:
+ type = cgroup
+ # cgroup_tests = "re1[:loops] re2[:loops] ..."
+ cgroup_tests = ".*:1"
+ vms += " vm2"
+ extra_params += " -snapshot"
you run blkio with snapshot ? sometimes we need to group diff real
guests not snapshot
- virtio_console: install setup image_copy unattended_install.cdrom
only Linux
vms = ''
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/tests/cgroup.py b/client/tests/kvm/tests/cgroup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d0ec43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/tests/cgroup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+cgroup autotest test (on KVM guest)
+@author: Lukas Doktor<ldoktor@xxxxxxxxxx>
+@copyright: 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
+import logging, re, sys, tempfile, time, traceback
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
+from autotest_lib.client.tests.cgroup.cgroup_common import Cgroup, CgroupModules
+def run_cgroup(test, params, env):
+ """
+ Tests the cgroup functions on KVM guests.
+ * Uses variable tests (marked by TODO comment) to map the subtests
+ """
+ vms = None
+ tests = None
+ # Tests
+ class _TestBlkioBandwidth:
+ """
+ BlkioBandwidth dummy test
+ * Use it as a base class to an actual test!
+ * self.dd_cmd and attr '_set_properties' have to be implemented
+ * It prepares 2 vms and run self.dd_cmd to simultaniously stress the
+ machines. After 1 minute it kills the dd and gather the throughput
+ informations.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, vms, modules):
+ """
+ Initialization
+ @param vms: list of vms
+ @param modules: initialized cgroup module class
+ """
+ self.vms = vms # Virt machines
+ self.modules = modules # cgroup module handler
+ self.blkio = Cgroup('blkio', '') # cgroup blkio handler
+ self.files = [] # Temporary files (files of virt disks)
+ self.devices = [] # Temporary virt devices (PCI drive 1 per vm)
+ self.dd_cmd = None # DD command used to test the throughput
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """
+ Cleanup
+ """
+ err = ""
+ try:
+ for i in range (2):
+ vms[i].monitor.cmd("pci_del %s" % self.devices[i])
+ self.files[i].close()
+ except Exception, inst:
+ err += "\nCan't remove PCI drive: %s" % inst
+ try:
+ del(self.blkio)
+ except Exception, inst:
+ err += "\nCan't remove Cgroup: %s" % inst
+ if err:
+ logging.error("Some parts of cleanup failed:%s", err)
+ raise error.TestError("Some parts of cleanup failed:%s" % err)
+ def init(self):
+ """
+ Initialization
+ * assigns vm1 and vm2 into cgroups and sets the properties
+ * creates a new virtio device and adds it into vms
+ """
+ if test.tagged_testname.find('virtio_blk') == -1:
+ logging.warn("You are executing non-virtio_blk test but this "
+ "particular subtest uses manually added "
+ "'virtio_blk' device.")
emm... we can also run blkio test with ide.
+ if not self.dd_cmd:
+ raise error.TestError("Corrupt class, aren't you trying to run "
+ "parent _TestBlkioBandwidth() function?")
+ if len(self.vms)< 2:
+ raise error.TestError("Test needs at least 2 vms.")
+ # cgroups
+ pwd = []
+ blkio = self.blkio
+ if blkio.initialize(self.modules):
+ raise error.TestError("Could not initialize blkio Cgroup")
+ for i in range(2):
+ pwd.append(blkio.mk_cgroup())
+ if pwd[i] == None:
+ raise error.TestError("Can't create cgroup")
+ if blkio.set_cgroup(self.vms[i].get_shell_pid(), pwd[i]):
+ raise error.TestError("Could not set cgroup")
+ # Move all existing threads into cgroup
+ for tmp in utils.system_output("ps -L --ppid=%d -o lwp"
+ % self.vms[i].get_shell_pid()).split('\n')[1:]:
+ if blkio.set_cgroup(int(tmp), pwd[i]):
+ raise error.TestError("Could not set cgroup")
+ if self.blkio.set_property("blkio.weight", 100, pwd[0]):
it's better to set bandwidth configurable. and there maybe more than 2
+ raise error.TestError("Could not set blkio.weight")
+ if self.blkio.set_property("blkio.weight", 1000, pwd[1]):
+ raise error.TestError("Could not set blkio.weight")
+ # Add dumm drives
+ for i in range(2):
+ self.files.append(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+ prefix="cgroup-disk-",
+ suffix=".iso"))
+ utils.system("dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1M count=10&>/dev/null"
+ % (self.files[i].name))
+ out = vms[i].monitor.cmd("pci_add auto storage file=%s,"
+ "if=virtio,snapshot=off,cache=off"
+ % (self.files[i].name))
+ out = re.search(r'OK domain (\d+), bus (\d+), slot (\d+), '
+ 'function \d+', out).groups()
+ self.devices.append("%s:%s:%s" % out)
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Actual test:
+ * executes self.dd_cmd simultanously on both vms.
+ """
+ sessions = []
+ out = []
+ sessions.append(vms[0].wait_for_login(timeout=30))
+ sessions.append(vms[1].wait_for_login(timeout=30))
+ sessions.append(vms[0].wait_for_login(timeout=30))
+ sessions.append(vms[1].wait_for_login(timeout=30))
+ sessions[0].sendline(self.dd_cmd)
+ sessions[1].sendline(self.dd_cmd)
+ time.sleep(60)
+ cmd = "rm -f /tmp/cgroup_lock; killall -9 dd"
+ sessions[2].sendline(cmd)
+ sessions[3].sendline(cmd)
+ re_dd = (r'(\d+) bytes \(\d+\.*\d* \w*\) copied, (\d+\.*\d*) s, '
+ '\d+\.*\d* \w./s')
+ out = []
+ for i in range(2):
+ out.append(sessions[i].read_up_to_prompt())
+ out[i] = [int(_[0])/float(_[1])
+ for _ in re.findall(re_dd, out[i])[1:-1]]
+ logging.debug("dd(%d) output: %s", i, out[i])
+ out[i] = [min(out[i]), sum(out[i])/len(out[i]), max(out[i]),
+ len(out[i])]
+ for session in sessions:
+ session.close()
+ logging.debug("dd values (min,avg,max,ddloops):\nout1: %s\nout2: %s"
+ ,out[0], out[1])
+ out1 = out[0][1]
+ out2 = out[1][1]
+ # In theory out1 should be 10times smaller, than out2.
+ if out1*3> out2:
+ raise error.TestFail("dd values: %s:%s (1:%f), limit 1:2.5"
+ ", theoretical: 1:10"
+ % (out1, out2, out2/out1))
+ else:
+ logging.info("dd values: %s:%s (1:%s)", out1, out2, out2/out1)
+ class TestBlkioBandwidthWeigthRead(_TestBlkioBandwidth):
+ """
+ Tests the blkio.weight capability using simultanious read on 2 vms
+ """
+ def __init__(self, vms, modules):
+ """
+ Initialization
+ @param vms: list of vms
+ @param modules: initialized cgroup module class
+ """
+ _TestBlkioBandwidth.__init__(self, vms, modules)
+ self.dd_cmd = ("export FILE=$(ls /dev/vd* | tail -n 1); touch "
+ "/tmp/cgroup_lock ; while [ -e /tmp/cgroup_lock ];"
+ "do dd if=$FILE of=/dev/null iflag=direct bs=100K;"
+ "done")
+ class TestBlkioBandwidthWeigthWrite(_TestBlkioBandwidth):
+ """
+ Tests the blkio.weight capability using simultanious write on 2 vms
+ """
+ def __init__(self, vms, modules):
+ """
+ Initialization
+ @param vms: list of vms
+ @param modules: initialized cgroup module class
+ """
+ _TestBlkioBandwidth.__init__(self, vms, modules)
+ self.dd_cmd = ('export FILE=$(ls /dev/vd* | tail -n 1); touch '
+ '/tmp/cgroup_lock ; while [ -e /tmp/cgroup_lock ];'
+ 'do dd if=/dev/zero of=$FILE oflag=direct bs=100K;'
+ 'done')
+ def _check_vms(vms):
+ """
+ Checks the vitality of VM
+ @param vms: list of vm's
+ """
+ for i in range(len(vms)):
+ vms[i].verify_alive()
+ _ = vms[i].wait_for_login(timeout=60)
+ out = _.cmd_output("dmesg -c")
+ _.close()
+ del(_)
+ if out.find("BUG") != -1:
+ logging.error("BUG occured in dmesg:\n%s", out)
+ logging.warn("recreate VM(%s)", i)
+ # The vm have to be recreate to reset the qemu PCI state
+ vms[i].create()
+ # Setup
+ # TODO: Add all new tests here
+ tests = {"blkio_bandwidth_weigth_read" : TestBlkioBandwidthWeigthRead,
+ "blkio_bandwidth_weigth_write" : TestBlkioBandwidthWeigthWrite,
+ }
+ modules = CgroupModules()
+ if (modules.init(['cpuset', 'cpu', 'cpuacct', 'memory', 'devices',
+ 'freezer', 'net_cls', 'blkio'])<= 0):
+ raise error.TestFail('Can\'t mount any cgroup modules')
+ # Add all vms
+ vms = []
+ for vm in params.get("vms", "main_vm").split():
+ vm = env.get_vm(vm)
+ vm.verify_alive()
+ timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
+ _ = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
+ _.close()
+ del(_)
+ vms.append(vm)
+ # Execute tests
+ results = ""
+ # cgroup_tests = "re1[:loops] re2[:loops] ... ... ..."
+ for j in params.get("cgroup_tests").split():
+ try:
+ loops = int(j[j.rfind(':')+1:])
+ j = j[:j.rfind(':')]
+ except:
+ loops = 1
+ for _loop in range(loops):
+ for i in [_ for _ in tests.keys() if re.match(j, _)]:
+ logging.info("%s: Entering the test", i)
+ try:
+ _check_vms(vms)
+ tst = tests[i](vms, modules)
+ tst.init()
+ tst.run()
+ except error.TestFail, inst:
+ logging.error("%s: Leaving, test FAILED (TestFail): %s",
+ i, inst)
+ results += "\n * %s: Test FAILED (TestFail): %s" % (i, inst)
+ try:
+ tst.cleanup()
+ except Exception, inst:
+ tmps = ""
+ for tmp in traceback.format_exception(
+ sys.exc_info()[0],
+ sys.exc_info()[1],
+ sys.exc_info()[2]):
+ tmps += "%s cleanup: %s" % (i, tmp)
+ logging.info("%s: cleanup also failed\n%s", i, tmps)
+ except error.TestError, inst:
+ tmps = ""
+ for tmp in traceback.format_exception(
+ sys.exc_info()[0],
+ sys.exc_info()[1],
+ sys.exc_info()[2]):
+ tmps += "%s: %s" % (i, tmp)
+ logging.error("%s: Leaving, test FAILED (TestError): %s",
+ i, tmps)
+ results += "\n * %s: Test FAILED (TestError): %s"% (i, inst)
+ try:
+ tst.cleanup()
+ except Exception, inst:
+ logging.warn("%s: cleanup also failed: %s\n", i, inst)
+ except Exception, inst:
+ tmps = ""
+ for tmp in traceback.format_exception(
+ sys.exc_info()[0],
+ sys.exc_info()[1],
+ sys.exc_info()[2]):
+ tmps += "%s: %s" % (i, tmp)
+ logging.error("%s: Leaving, test FAILED (Exception): %s",
+ i, tmps)
+ results += "\n * %s: Test FAILED (Exception): %s"% (i, inst)
+ try:
+ tst.cleanup()
+ except Exception, inst:
+ logging.warn("%s: cleanup also failed: %s\n", i, inst)
+ else:
+ try:
+ tst.cleanup()
+ except Exception, inst:
+ tmps = ""
+ for tmp in traceback.format_exception(
+ sys.exc_info()[0],
+ sys.exc_info()[1],
+ sys.exc_info()[2]):
+ tmps += "%s cleanup: %s" % (i, tmp)
+ logging.info("%s: Leaving, test passed but cleanup "
+ "FAILED\n%s", i, tmps)
+ results += ("\n * %s: Test passed but cleanup FAILED"
+ % (i))
+ else:
+ logging.info("%s: Leaving, test PASSED", i)
+ results += "\n * %s: Test PASSED" % (i)
+ logging.info("SUM: All tests finished (%d PASS / %d FAIL = %d TOTAL)%s",
+ results.count("PASSED"), results.count("FAILED"),
+ (results.count("PASSED")+results.count("FAILED")), results)
+ if results.count("FAILED"):
+ raise error.TestFail("Some subtests failed")
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