Re: [PATCH v2 00/25] TDX vCPU/VM creation

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On Sat, 2025-01-04 at 01:43 +0000, Edgecombe, Rick P wrote:
> > 18: not sure why the check against num_present_cpus() is needed?
> The per-vm KVM_MAX_VCPUS will be min_t(int, kvm->max_vcpus, num_present_cpus()).
> So if td_conf->max_vcpus_per_td < num_present_cpus(), then it might report
> supporting more CPUs then actually supported by the TDX module.


> As to why not just report td_conf->max_vcpus_per_td, that value is the max CPUs
> that are supported by any platform the TDX module supports. So it is more about
> what the TDX module supports, then what userspace cares about (how many vCPUs
> they can use).

Sean didn't want to make reporting maximum vcpus depend on the whims of TDX
module since this doesn't provide a predictable ABI:

> I think we could probably get by without the check and blame the TDX module if
> it does something strange. It is seems safer ABI-wise to have the check. But we
> are being a bit more cavalier around protecting against TDX supported CPUID bit
> changes then originally planned, so the check here now seems inconsistent.
> Let me flag Kai to confirm there was not some known violating configuration. He
> explored a bunch of edge cases on this corner.

In practice the "max_vcpu_per_td" will never be smaller than the maximum logical
CPUs that ALL the platforms that the module supports can possibly have.  I got
this from the TDX module guys, and I don't think there's any reason for the TDX
module to break this.

However from module ABI's perspective (from the JSON), it could be any value, so
I think we should have a sanity check.  I think this is also different from the
"array size of CPUID_CONFIGs" ABI breakage (assuming this is what you meant
"protecting TDX supported CPUID bits" above) since it is currently documented as
32 in the JSON.

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