Re: [PATCH] KVM: x86/MMU: Zap non-leaf SPTEs when disabling dirty logging

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On 5/26/22 01:09, Ben Gardon wrote:
+		WARN_ON(max_mapping_level < iter.level);
+		/*
+		 * If this page is already mapped at the highest
+		 * viable level, there's nothing more to do.
+		 */
+		if (max_mapping_level == iter.level)
+			continue;
+		/*
+		 * The page can be remapped at a higher level, so step
+		 * up to zap the parent SPTE.
+		 */
+		while (max_mapping_level > iter.level)
+			tdp_iter_step_up(&iter);
  		/* Note, a successful atomic zap also does a remote TLB flush. */
-		if (tdp_mmu_zap_spte_atomic(kvm, &iter))
-			goto retry;
+		tdp_mmu_zap_spte_atomic(kvm, &iter);
Can you make this a sparate function (for example 
tdp_mmu_zap_collapsible_spte_atomic)?  Otherwise looks great!

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