Hello List,
I'm using a fairly old KVM version
ii pve-qemu-kvm 2.2-28
amd64 Full virtualization on x86 hardware
don't see much point upgrading either since everything works but I could
still use a feature to keep track of the actual space used by the VMs
without SSHing into all of them and doing a df -h.
The VM images (especially the DBs with high rw operation will just grow
and grow with time), for this to free up space the standard process was:
1, Zero-fill the drive (dd if=/dev/zero of=/some/file until you run out
of space)
1B, sdelete -z c: < windows VM
2, Shut down the VM
3, cd to where the images for the VM are kept and run qemu-img convert
-O qcow2 original_image.qcow2 deduplicated_image.qcow2
I wonder if there were any improvements done in the KVM for addressing
this space issue. A lot of us using qcow2 because it's easier to backup
due to the small size (eg: a basic configured webserver might only uses
3-4 Gb vs a 40GB preallocated empty image full of 0s).