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Zhang, Xiantao wrote:
But if users don't configure it @ building kernel, they can't exercise
kvm unless re-configure and re-build the host kernel.  Generally, we
should allow users to build kvm in the form of modules, and insert to
host kernels without other dependcies.   BTW, we often meet such fails
and have to do rebuild.  :(

If users don't configure networking, they can't compile any drivers.

Sorry, that's how the kernel works. btw, on x86 we manage to run even without preempt notifiers, but a lot of pain is involved.
In practice, I don't expect a problem.  Most users get their kernels 
from a distribution.  You should talk to ia64 distribution vendors to 
make sure they enable kvm in their ia64 2.6.26+ kernels.
error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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