<<...OLE_Obj...>> Eastern Range Operations Forecast Op Number: F8451 PEGASUS / SORCE Issued: 23 Jan 03 Valid: 25 Jan 03 Vehicle/Payload PEGASUS / SORCE Location: Air Launch Launch Weather Officer: Mike Jennings Synoptic Discussion: A strong cold front is expected to move through Cape Canaveral early Thursday bringing strong northerly winds and a chance of rainshowers. Very cold air will follow this front with the possibility of temperatures dropping below freezing on Friday and Saturday morning in the local area. Weather on Saturday looks good for launch, with light northerly winds at the Skid Strip for takeoff of the L1011. Skies are expected to be partly cloudy along the entire flight path of the L1011 prior to Pegasus Drop. A very strong Jet Stream aloft will provide a strong westerly wind at Flight level (39 kft) and a chance of light to moderate turbulence for the L1011. The only slight concern for launch day will be the chance of light with occasional moderate turbulence during L1011 climb out and at flight level (39 kft). CCAFS Skid Strip at Takeoff (25 Jan/1400L): Clouds Coverage Bases (feet) Tops (feet) Stratocumulus SCT 3/8 3000 3500 Cirrus SCT 3/8 25000 26000 Visibility: 7 miles + Wind: 350-020 degrees at 8 gusting to 12 knots Temperature: 54 - 56 F Altimeter Setting: 30.26 in Weather: None Flight Path and Drop Point : Clouds Coverage Bases (feet) Tops (feet) Stratocumulus SCT 2/8 3000 3500 Cirrus SCT 3/8 25000 26000 At Flight Level (39 kft): Visibility: 7 miles + (Unlimited) Wind: 260 / 125 KTS Temperature: - 54 C Barometric Pressure: 212 mb Weather: Chance of light to occasional moderate Turbulence at Flight Level (39 kft) Overall probability of violating weather constraints: 10% Primary concern(s): Chance of light to moderate Turbulence at Flight Level (39 kft) Overall probability of violating weather constraints for 24 hour delay: 20% Primary concern(s): Slight Chance of Rainshowers over the Gulf Stream along the flight path of the L1011 Sunrise: 25 Jan 03 / 0714L EST Moonrise: 25 Jan 03 / 0036L EST Sunset: 25 Jan 03 / 1757L EST Moonset: 25 Jan 03 / 1209L EST Illumination: 25 % Next forecast will be issued: 24 Jan 03 / 0800 EST ------------------------------------------------------------- For automatic email subscriptions to this KSC originated press releases, send an Internet electronic mail message to mailto:ksc-news_release-subscribe@kscnews.ksc.nasa.gov. With no subject or message. The system will reply with a confirmation via e-mail of each subscription. To remove your name from the list at any time, send an email addressed to mailto:ksc-news_release-unsubscribe@kscnews.ksc.nasa.gov . With no subject or message. or you can (un)subscribe on the World Wide Web at: http://kscnews.ksc.nasa.gov/ Status reports and other NASA publications are available on the World Wide Web at: http://www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/kscpao/kscpao.htm .