Re: how to make konsole tabs more distinguishable

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On 5/26/20 2:06 PM, test wrote:


when opening multiple tabs in a konsole window, the active tab is virtually
indistinguishable from the tabs that aren't active.  How can I make the
active tab more distinguishable, like giving it different a background

I've tried to use the Colours settings in the System Settings to change the
colour of active tabs, but there doesn't seem to be a setting for this.
For most of the colour settings I can't tell what they affect, and there
are too many of them to figure it out by trial and error, especially since
changing the settings doesn't always apply them.

There seems to be no standardized place for user storage of Qt stylesheets that i can determine,
so i suggest:

mkdir ~/.qt-css/

# the following (or some variant of it) came from the 'codemedic' site above at one point long ago
# it puts a blue bar at the top of the tab to highlight it from the other tabs.

cat > ~/.qt-css/konsole-tab.css <<"EOF"
QWidget, QTabWidget::pane, QTabWidget::tab-bar {
    background-color: rgb(45, 45, 45);
QTabBar::tab {
    color: rgb(120, 120, 120);
    background-color: rgb(45, 45, 45);
    font-size: 12px;
    height: 25px;
    padding-left: 4px;
    padding-right: 4px;
    border-left: 2px;
    border-right: 2px;
    border-color: white;
QTabBar::tab:selected {
    background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #1e5799, stop: 0.08 #2989d8, stop: 0.15 rgb(45, 45, 45));
    color: #4F89CC;

QTabBar::tab:hover {
    background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #1e5799, stop: 0.01 #2989d8, stop: 0.10 rgb(45, 45, 45));
    color: #4F89CC;

then use the controls in:
  Settings->Configure Konsole->[TabBar]->
    [X] Use user-defined stylesheet
and enter the path to your css file.


kwriteconfig5 --file konsolerc --group TabBar --key TabBarUseUserStyleSheet     true
kwriteconfig5 --file konsolerc --group TabBar --key TabBarUserStyleSheetFile    file://${HOME}/.qt-css/konsole-tab.css

I haven't figured out the (or any) way to signal via DBus to the konsole session that its properties changed, though, via something like:
qdbus ${KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE} /MainApplication

    qdbus ${KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE} /MainApplication org.qtproject.Qt.QApplication.setStyleSheet "file://${HOME}/.qt-css/konsole-tab.css"
# that works same as the kwriteconfig5 above), but
    qdbus ${KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE} /MainApplication  org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged
doesn't do the thing i want.  (it's a signal, not a method, so, try...)

    dbus-send --session --dest=$KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE --type=signal --print-reply /MainApplication org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged

that just times out.

If anybody knows how to signal konsole to re-read its configuration, that'd be awesome.


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