test wrote:
when opening multiple tabs in a konsole window, the active tab is virtually
indistinguishable from the tabs that aren't active. How can I make the
active tab more distinguishable, like giving it different a background
Use a style sheet to change the selected tab color:
/* Change the selected tab's background to a light gray */
QTabBar::tab:selected {
background: #999999
/* Change the selected tab's text to red */
QTabBar::tab:selected {
color: red
These examples come from the Konsole help, chapter 6 "Using Style Sheet for the Tab
Bar" available from Help -> "Konsole Handbook". There are other examples there as well.
The only thing not explicitly mentioned in my copy of this page is that one sets
their stylesheet file in Settings -> "Configure Konsole" -> "Tab Bar" -> "Use
user-defined stylesheet:".