Re: Kickoff menu blank

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member dhave posted on Fri, 13 Aug 2010 17:31:35 -0400 as excerpted:

> 3) How did you get your kde?</blockquote><div> </div><div>From the
> ArchLinux official repositories.</div><div><br></div><div>Thank you very
> much for your help. Do have any other
> ideas? </div><div><br></div><div>-dhave</div> <div> </div><blockquote
> class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc
> solid;padding-left:1ex;"><br></blockquote></div>

Please use plain text, not HTML, when posting to the lists.  Some people 
(including me) prefer not to use an HTML parsing client for security or 
other reasons, and all the markup is ugly.

If both a new user and your own user with kde's config moved elsewhere 
continue to have the problem, as you mention, then it's obviously not a 
user config issue but system-wide.  That makes things tougher, but at 
least we've eliminated user config as the problem.  And we've eliminated 
desktop effects as the problem as well, so that's progress. =:^)

More on the linking idea...

Try this (substituting the path as appropriate) from either a text VT or a 
terminal window, konsole, whatever:

ldd /usr/lib64/

All the libraries listed should have a hex number (0x...) after them.  
Most but not all will have a path associated with them as well 
(on amd64, is the kernel virtual library, so no path, x86 
has a similar library but I'm not sure it's the same exact name, similarly 
with, obviously not named the same on x86, it's the 
libc library loader library itself).

If one of those listed doesn't have the associated hex number, or if any 
but those two don't have paths, you've found your missing library.

Meanwhile, I was thinking it might be something else, perhaps the plasma 
color scheme you're using.  But unless something's wrong with the default 
scheme on your system, the fresh user without any kde settings shouldn't 
have had the problem, so that doesn't make sense either.

Something else to try.  From a konsole window, kill the plasma-desktop 
process (killall plasma-desktop is what I use here).  Then restart it 
(plasma-desktop), so it's dumping STDOUT and STDERR to your konsole window.

Here, I get a quite a bit of output, but most of it's simply status info 
from yawp (yet another weather plasmoid).  If I didn't have it running, 
the output would be much shorter.  Still, there's some output other than 
that, even some that looks bad (several of QFont::setPoinSize: Point size 
<=0 (0), must be greather than 0, for instance, a null image warning, 
several invalid or negative size warnings, etc), but appears not to make a 
whole lot of difference in practice.

Amongst all that apparently nothing to worry about output, however, you 
may find something indicating or at least hinting at the problem.

When you're thru looking at the output, you will probably want to close 
that konsole window, instead of using it for other things, because 
plasma's likely to continue spitting out additional output as things 
happen, until you close the window, and that'll screwup the display of 
whatever else you're trying to do in the window.  So just use it for that, 
then kill the window when you're done.  (plasma-desktop should 
automatically disown itself from the konsole parent, so you shouldn't have 
to worry about the konsole close killing plasma again, too.  If perchance 
it does, krunner should still launch (alt-f2 by default), and you can run 
plasma from there.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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