ok earlier past week i was asking someone anyone out here in the ke network if i could get help on fstab and mtab--- someone asnwerd--- dont know who "sorry" theyt asked for more specific detail on what im having problem with
well here it is
when i try to mount my cd drive "hdc" it says it could not find hdc in /etc/fstab or etc/mtab
so i went to fstab and saw something like--- i cant know what im just trying to retrieve from memory since im not sitting at my pc.
it said something like
/dev/hda1 / resierf default 11
none proc ------------ 00
/dev/hda2 /home resierf default 12
none --------------------------------- 00
that was originally there plus some others in the """-------------- " area that i completly forgot what was in it-- yes i wrote it down-- but i lost the paper
so since i said it couldnt find my cdrom i put in
/dev/hdc /media proc default 13
then it said warning there isnt a newline "or soemthing" on fstab
and couldnt link to mtab~
so i cut and paste mtab~ to Desktop and then it said warning there isnot a newline in fstab
perhaps there is a stale lock file?
this happens even when im trying to boot knoppix 3 kings editon live cd
if this doenst bring any information on what my problem is exactly i'll try to get some more info later
thank you all who help out in the kde forum
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