problem solved. Iuse option --caption of konqueror to recocgnise a window of konqueror. I made a python script that open this window if it exists else it opens one. It works from command line on my mandriva 2005LE (KDE 3.4.2), I will test from kmail soon! I use caption konqueror-bureau2 which in english means konqueror-desktop2. The script: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os,sys,pylab a=os tmpfile="tmpfile_dcop" os.system("dcop>%s"%tmpfile) f = file(tmpfile) windows=[] for l in f: if l.count("konqueror-"):windows.append(l.split()[0]) f.close() os.remove(tmpfile) good_konqueror="" for k in windows: print "dcop %s konqueror-mainwindow\#1 caption\(\) >%s"%(k,tmpfile) os.system("dcop %s konqueror-mainwindow\#1 caption\(\) >%s"%(k,tmpfile) ) f = file(tmpfile) for l in f: if l.split()[-1].count("bureau2"): os.system("more %s"%tmpfile) good_konqueror=k os.remove(tmpfile) f.close() print("variable good_konqueror is :%s"%good_konqueror) if good_konqueror:os.system("dcop %s konqueror-mainwindow\#1 newTab %s"%(good_konqueror,sys.argv[ 1])) else: if sys.argv[1].count("http://"): url=sys.argv[1] else:url="http://"+sys.argv[1] os.system("konqueror --profile webbrowsing --caption konqueror-bureau2 %s&"%url) One could make another script which would detect window having a webbrosing profile etc... There are many possibilities.. Now with that konqueror could fight with firefox! That was the option missing, I think. Cheers, Emmanuel. ___________________________________________________ . Account management: Archives: More info: