Upcoming Educator Conference
We've extended the registration deadline to Monday, October 30!
There is still plenty of space available. Students are welcome to attend; students under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Educator Conference - November 4-5, 2006
Stars and the Infrared Sky - Stellar Evolution and Our New View of the Cosmos
By using infrared light, the Spitzer Space Telescope has been looking into and through the gas and dust in the universe and, along with other ground and space-based observatories like the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (http://www.galex.caltech.edu/), showing how material moves from cloud to star and back again in our and other galaxies. Stellar evolution is the theme that ties what we see together.
Educators and museum staff are invited to attend this educator conference. Presenters will include scientists, engineers and JPL educators. The conference will take place at JPL in Pasadena, California. Space is limited and pre-registration is required; it will not be possible to register at the door. The conference will run 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. on Saturday and 8:00 A.M. to Noon on Sunday.
To register please provide the following information:
Subject(s) Taught:
Grade(S) Taught:
Zip Code:
Contact information for last minute changes (E-mail & phone):
There is a registration fee of $40 to offset costs including materials and food (continental breakfasts and morning breaks both days, box lunch and afternoon break on Saturday). Make check payable to "Jet Propulsion Laboratory" and mail to:
Stars Educator Conference
Attn: Trisha Wheeler
Mail Stop 180-109
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 393-6667
The registration deadline is NOW MONDAY, OCTOBER 30 and, once registered, there are no refunds.
Additional information is at JPL Education Events web page: http://education.jpl.nasa.gov/events.html