✗ Fi.CI.CHECKPATCH: warning for bits: Fixed-type GENMASK()/BIT() (rev2)

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== Series Details ==

Series: bits: Fixed-type GENMASK()/BIT() (rev2)
URL   : https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/145997/
State : warning

== Summary ==

Error: dim checkpatch failed
f96fba907aff bits: fix typo 'unsigned __init128' -> 'unsigned __int128'
fdc85516eb83 bits: split the definition of the asm and non-asm GENMASK()
3444ee4c6891 bits: introduce fixed-type genmasks
-:71: CHECK:MACRO_ARG_REUSE: Macro argument reuse 't' - possible side-effects?
#71: FILE: include/linux/bits.h:39:
+#define GENMASK_t(t, h, l)				\
+	(GENMASK_INPUT_CHECK(h, l) +			\
+	 (((t)~ULL(0) - ((t)1 << (l)) + 1) &		\
+	  ((t)~ULL(0) >> (BITS_PER_TYPE(t) - 1 - (h)))))

-:71: CHECK:MACRO_ARG_REUSE: Macro argument reuse 'h' - possible side-effects?
#71: FILE: include/linux/bits.h:39:
+#define GENMASK_t(t, h, l)				\
+	(GENMASK_INPUT_CHECK(h, l) +			\
+	 (((t)~ULL(0) - ((t)1 << (l)) + 1) &		\
+	  ((t)~ULL(0) >> (BITS_PER_TYPE(t) - 1 - (h)))))

-:71: CHECK:MACRO_ARG_REUSE: Macro argument reuse 'l' - possible side-effects?
#71: FILE: include/linux/bits.h:39:
+#define GENMASK_t(t, h, l)				\
+	(GENMASK_INPUT_CHECK(h, l) +			\
+	 (((t)~ULL(0) - ((t)1 << (l)) + 1) &		\
+	  ((t)~ULL(0) >> (BITS_PER_TYPE(t) - 1 - (h)))))

total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 3 checks, 56 lines checked
041791be97ad bits: introduce fixed-type BIT
-:32: CHECK:MACRO_ARG_REUSE: Macro argument reuse 'b' - possible side-effects?
#32: FILE: include/linux/bits.h:82:
+#define BIT_U8(b) (BIT_INPUT_CHECK(u8, b) + (unsigned int)BIT(b))

-:33: CHECK:MACRO_ARG_REUSE: Macro argument reuse 'b' - possible side-effects?
#33: FILE: include/linux/bits.h:83:
+#define BIT_U16(b) (BIT_INPUT_CHECK(u16, b) + (unsigned int)BIT(b))

-:34: CHECK:MACRO_ARG_REUSE: Macro argument reuse 'b' - possible side-effects?
#34: FILE: include/linux/bits.h:84:
+#define BIT_U32(b) (BIT_INPUT_CHECK(u32, b) + (u32)BIT(b))

-:35: CHECK:MACRO_ARG_REUSE: Macro argument reuse 'b' - possible side-effects?
#35: FILE: include/linux/bits.h:85:
+#define BIT_U64(b) (BIT_INPUT_CHECK(u64, b) + (u64)BIT_ULL(b))

total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 4 checks, 22 lines checked
a4780cb0f51e drm/i915: Convert REG_GENMASK* to fixed-width GENMASK_*
669a27a65a3a test_bits: add tests for __GENMASK() and __GENMASK_ULL()
d734241f0452 test_bits: add tests for fixed-type genmasks
-:26: ERROR:SPACING: spaces required around that ':' (ctx:VxW)
#26: FILE: lib/test_bits.c:10:
+#define assert_type(t, x) _Generic(x, t: x, default: 0)

-:26: ERROR:SPACING: spaces required around that ':' (ctx:VxW)
#26: FILE: lib/test_bits.c:10:
+#define assert_type(t, x) _Generic(x, t: x, default: 0)

-:26: CHECK:MACRO_ARG_REUSE: Macro argument reuse 'x' - possible side-effects?
#26: FILE: lib/test_bits.c:10:
+#define assert_type(t, x) _Generic(x, t: x, default: 0)

total: 2 errors, 0 warnings, 1 checks, 37 lines checked
78ae5fb1ad3d test_bits: add tests for fixed-type BIT

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