Hi, xf86-video-intel driver is currently cannot be compiled with released versions of X server. Simple reproduction steps: create Debian Bookworm container, download module sources and all required dependencies and try to build. Debian Bookworm is pretty much the least exciting configuration possible. And the fact that xf86-video-intel cannot be compiled there is not good. For almost any other driver this is not a problem, because it is possible to create a merge request on gitlab.freedesktop.org. Eventually simple maintenance and build-related merge requests are merged. However in the case of Intel driver, merge requests are disabled and the recommended way to submit patches is via intel-gfx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailing list. Unfortunately, patches submitted so far are ignored there. Given that the last commit to xf86-video-intel was 22 months ago, I suspect there's little interest from Intel to spend time maintaining the project. What do you think about opening up merge requests on the repository so that at least the driver can be brought back to compilable state? Does anyone have other ideas how the current situation could be resolved? Regards, Povilas