The 2021 X.Org Foundation elections are rapidly approaching. In
preparation of the elections we would like to remind you that members
will need to renew their membership each year in order to vote. Please
take the time to renew your membership by logging into and clicking on the "Apply" button to apply for
the 2021-2022 membership.
We would also like to encourage you to start considering yourself or
someone else for nomination to the board. We will send another email to
start the official nomination period when it opens.
** Election Schedule **
Nomination period Start: Mon 22nd February
Nomination period End: Sun 7th March
Deadline of X.Org membership application or renewal: Thu 11th March
Publication of Candidates & start of Candidate QA: Mon 15th March
Election Planned Start: Mon 22nd March anywhere on earth
Election Planned End: Sun 4th April anywhere on earth
** Election Committee **
* Eric Anholt
* Mark Filion
* Keith Packard
* Harry Wentland
Harry Wentland,
on behalf of the X.Org elections committee
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