Re: Version 3.8.4 hangup on shutdown

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Hello Mark,

this is a known problem.  So far nobody managed to solve it.


-----Original Message-----
From: cyrus via Info <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Info <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Version 3.8.4 hangup on shutdown
Date: 03/02/25 15:06:20

I'm running Cyrus IMAPd version 3.8.4 on FreeBSD.  I recently upgraded 
from Cyrus 3.4, which was running fine.

3.8.4 runs fine, but I'm having trouble shutting down.  I'm using the 
default startup script installed on FreeBSD from ports, which seems to 
basically just do kill -TERM on master.

It seems to begin shutting down fine:

Feb  3 14:36:58 mail imapext[73022]: graceful shutdown
Feb  3 14:36:58 mail http[75500]: graceful shutdown
Feb  3 14:36:58 mail imapext[75445]: graceful shutdown
Feb  3 14:36:58 mail lmtpunix[75477]: graceful shutdown
Feb  3 14:36:58 mail http[75504]: graceful shutdown
Feb  3 14:36:58 mail http[75494]: graceful shutdown
Feb  3 14:36:58 mail imapext[75376]: graceful shutdown
Feb  3 14:36:58 mail http[75495]: graceful shutdown
Feb  3 14:36:58 mail pop3sext[75479]: graceful shutdown
Feb  3 14:36:58 mail lmtpunix[75478]: graceful shutdown

Perhaps this is unexpected:

Feb  3 14:36:58 mail idled[57259]: graceful shutdown initiated by 
unexpected process 57237

Process 57237 is the master process ID in this case.  I'm not sure why 
it's unexpected.

After a few gracefully shutdown messages, master gets stuck, running at 
100% of CPU, in this code:

    Process 57237 stopped
* thread #1, name = 'master', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
     frame #0: 0x000000000020e90e master`child_janitor(now=(tv_sec = 
1738587528, tv_usec = 269269)) at master.c:1541:26
    1539     while (i-- > 0) {
    1540         p = &ctable[janitor_position++];
-> 1541         janitor_position = janitor_position % child_table_size;
    1542         while (*p) {
    1543             c = *p;
    1544             if (c->service_state == SERVICE_STATE_DEAD) {

I don't see any instances of lmtpd, imapd, pop3d, or httpd running.

This happens fairly often when shutting down, but not always.

Any ideas on how to fix this?  I'm happy to assist with any debugging or 
more information.


Cyrus: Info
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