Hi Nels,
Did you somehow turn off "sync_try_imap" (in imapd.conf on the primary)? It should be on by default unless it's configured to be off. If it's on (by default or otherwise), sync_client will always try to make an IMAP connection to the replica before falling back to CSYNC if that fails. If it's off, it will only try CSYNC, which requires sync_server to be running on the replica. It sounds like your sync_client is only trying CSYNC, which makes me think "sync_try_imap" is turned off.
Here's the relevant paragraph from the imapd.conf(5) man page:
sync_try_imap: 1Whether sync_client should try to perform an IMAP connection before fall‐ing back to csync. If this is set to "no", sync_client will only usecsync. Prefix with a channel name to apply only for that channel
On Tue, 18 Apr 2023, at 6:18 AM, Nels Lindquist wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> I'm configuring replication between two 3.6.1 instances.
> Based on the example configuration files provided, I started with
> sync_server disabled in cyrus.conf on the replica, since IMAP
> replication has been supported since version 3.
> However, I kept getting "sync_client connect(repl1.dom.ain) failed:
> Connection refused" errors. No firewall issues; direct connections to
> IMAP ports all work fine. Running sync_client manually from the
> commandline also fails with a connection timeout.
> I configured sync_server in cyrus.conf on the replica and everything
> immediately began replicating. FWIW, I've tried with and without log
> channels. Both work fine as long as sync_server is running; neither work
> without it.
> Any ideas?
> Nels Lindquist
> ----
> <nlindq@xxxxxxx>
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