I’m referring back to a post from 2009 for which I can’t find an answer:
According to sieve/vacation RFCs 5228/5230 it is possible to add a
display-name in the :from parameter, for example:
vacation :from "My Name <myaddr_at_example.com>"
This entry in a cyrus sieve script results in the following From: header
in the auto-reply (via sendmail):
From: "<My Name" <myaddr at example.com>
Please see the first unbalanced „<„ in the display-name.
In cyrus source code (2.4.18 in our case but the same in 2.5.7), file
../imap/lmtp_sieve.c, function send_response we have:
static int send_response(void *ac,
void *ic __attribute__((unused)),
void *sc, void *mc, const char **errmsg)
fprintf(sm, "X-Sieve: %s\r\n", SIEVE_VERSION);
fprintf(sm, "From: <%s>\r\n", src->fromaddr);
fprintf(sm, "To: <%s>\r\n", src->addr);
cyrus always adds <> to the fromaddr, even if the vacation :from
parameter contains a display-name like in the example above:
vacation :from "My Name <myaddr_at_example.com>"
In this case cyrus provides the following From: header to the mta:
From: <My Name <myaddr_at_example.com>>
To my understanding of RFC 5322 this is not a valid „mailbox“, because
of the outer angle brackets around. sendmail rewrites it internally to
the resulting valid but ugly form:
From: "<My Name" <myaddr at example.com>
Looks like a bug in cyrus to me or am I missing something, maybe an
answer to the original post ;-) ?
Best regards,
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