It's dumping the raw literal data from the file. I have no idea why we're storing a literal in there, given that it's already a length-delimited record. We've seen the same bug at FastMail in our search system for a while until I patched it to parse a literal out of the cache. It would be easy to patch unexpunge the same way (or abstract the whole thing behind the message API, which is probably a better idea) Bron. On Wed, Dec 16, 2015, at 23:20, Stephan via Info-cyrus wrote: > > Hello all, > > unexpunge (cyrus 2.5.7) is showing weird behaviour when it comes to subject lines containing the double quotation mark ("). When running reconstruct -l the subject lines containg a '"' show up as > > {<Number>}<Line Break>Subject, for instance > > Subj: {109} > Cron <root@machine> > > I redirected the output to a file and opened it with vim, which shows a ^M before end of the line, which is a carriage return if I'm not mistaken. So I guess there is a <CR><LF> involved. > > The mail as such looks perfectly fine. Is this a feature or should I open a bug report ? > > Thanks, > Stephan > ---- > Cyrus Home Page: > List Archives/Info: > To Unsubscribe: > -- Bron Gondwana brong@xxxxxxxxxxx ---- Cyrus Home Page: List Archives/Info: To Unsubscribe: