Re: Kolab 3.4 on CentOS 6.6 (ptload completely failed)

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Can you shed any light on the below? Andrea I copied in the Cyrus list guys. 

- Paul

> On Sep 25, 2015, at 11:28 AM, Soliva, Andrea <andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Paul
> here another issue I found...nothing to do with the issue. If you read in cyrus-imap docu there is recommended to point for performance reason some files to tmpfs files System like /dev/shm. This is specially also noted for cyrus-imapd v2.5. Actually the config would be:
>       # vi /etc/impad.conf
>       --------------- /etc/impad.conf ---------------
>       configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
>       # $confdir/proc/ will be used if not defined "proc_path"
>       proc_path: /dev/shm
>       # $confdir/lock will be used if not defined "mboxname_lockpath"
>       mboxname_lockpath: /dev/shm
>        # $confdir/statuscache.db will be used if not defined "statuscache_db_path"
>       statuscache_db_path: /dev/shm/statuscache.db
>        # $confdir/tls_sessions.db will be used if not defined "tls_sessions_db_path"
>       tls_sessions_db_path: /dev/shm/tls_sessions.db
>        # $confdir/deliver.db will be used if not defined "duplicate_db_path"
>       duplicate_db_path: /dev/shm/deliver.db
>       --------------- /etc/impad.conf ---------------
> This does not work...which means because the Kolab guys patched the stuff from my Point of view there is a mistake in the code because if you use this config it works as Long as cyurs-imapd does not any maintenance or how every they call this because as soon as this happens you will have following error:
>        Aug 24 08:50:25 kolab imap/imaps[7782]: Deleted mailbox!user.andrea^soliva
>        Aug 24 08:50:25 kolab imap/imaps[7782]: IOERROR: bogus filename "/dev/shm//tls_sessions.db" in proc_foreach
>        Aug 24 08:50:25 kolab imap/imaps[7782]: IOERROR: bogus filename "/dev/shm//deliver.db" in proc_foreach
>        Aug 24 08:50:25 kolab imap/imaps[7782]: IOERROR: bogus filename "/dev/shm//sem.slapd-kolab.stats" in proc_foreach
>        Aug 24 08:50:25 kolab imap/imaps[7782]: IOERROR: bogus filename "/dev/shm//q" in proc_foreach
>        Aug 24 08:50:25 kolab imap/imaps[7782]: IOERROR: bogus filename "/dev/shm//n" in proc_foreach
>        Aug 24 08:50:25 kolab imap/imaps[7782]: IOERROR: bogus filename "/dev/shm//statuscache.db" in proc_foreach
>        Aug 24 08:50:25 kolab imap/imaps[7782]: IOERROR: bogus filename "/dev/shm//domain" in proc_foreach
> The Point to look at is "/dev/shm//tls_sessions.db" which has one / too much it must be "/dev/shm/tls_sessions.db/". The same happens if you link the files/dir to /dev/shm.
> This only for your info :-)
> ---
> Kind regards
> Andrea Soliva
> Email: andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx
> Am 25-09-2015 16:00, schrieb signaldeveloper@xxxxxxxxx:
>> The mailboxes show kolab lm?
>> - Paul
>>> On Sep 24, 2015, at 5:49 AM, Soliva, Andrea <andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Paul
>>> from my Point of view absolutly yes because I also restart on daily base in the night all Services because from my Point of view some services are eating Memory which means in some parts they have to clean up things. Anyway following services are restarted on daily base:
>>> # service rsyslog status ;\
>>>> service dirsrv status ;\
>>>> service mysqld status ;\
>>>> service cyrus-imapd status ;\
>>>> service kolab-saslauthd status ;\
>>>> service wallace status ;\
>>>> service clamd.amavisd status ;\
>>>> service spamassassin status ;\
>>>> service amavisd status ;\
>>>> service postfix status ;\
>>>> service httpd status ;\
>>>> service memcached status ;\
>>>> service kolabd status
>>> rsyslogd (pid  7032) is running...
>>> dirsrv kolab (pid 460) is running...
>>> mysqld (pid  780) is running...
>>> cyrus-imapd (pid  825) is running...
>>> kolab-saslauthd (pid  3111) is running...
>>> wallaced (pid  897) is running...
>>> clamd.amavisd (pid  6886) is running...
>>> spamd (pid  992) is running...
>>> amavisd (pid 6842 6841 6840 6839 6787) is running...
>>> master (pid  1131) is running...
>>> httpd (pid  6928) is running...
>>> memcached (pid  1194) is running...
>>> kolabd (pid  3423) is running...
>>> # ps -ef
>>> UID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
>>> root         1     0  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:02 /sbin/init
>>> root         2     0  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kthreadd]
>>> root         3     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:35 [migration/0]
>>> root         4     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:06 [ksoftirqd/0]
>>> root         5     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [stopper/0]
>>> root         6     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:23 [watchdog/0]
>>> root         7     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:37 [migration/1]
>>> root         8     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [stopper/1]
>>> root         9     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:06 [ksoftirqd/1]
>>> root        10     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:22 [watchdog/1]
>>> root        11     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:24 [migration/2]
>>> root        12     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [stopper/2]
>>> root        13     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:04 [ksoftirqd/2]
>>> root        14     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:18 [watchdog/2]
>>> root        15     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:24 [migration/3]
>>> root        16     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [stopper/3]
>>> root        17     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:04 [ksoftirqd/3]
>>> root        18     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:18 [watchdog/3]
>>> root        19     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:04:12 [events/0]
>>> root        20     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:18:36 [events/1]
>>> root        21     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:05:33 [events/2]
>>> root        22     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:06:20 [events/3]
>>> root        23     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [cgroup]
>>> root        24     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [khelper]
>>> root        25     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [netns]
>>> root        26     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [async/mgr]
>>> root        27     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [pm]
>>> root        28     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:21 [sync_supers]
>>> root        29     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:25 [bdi-default]
>>> root        30     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kintegrityd/0]
>>> root        31     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kintegrityd/1]
>>> root        32     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kintegrityd/2]
>>> root        33     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kintegrityd/3]
>>> root        34     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:05:53 [kblockd/0]
>>> root        35     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:05:51 [kblockd/1]
>>> root        36     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:05:06 [kblockd/2]
>>> root        37     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:04:57 [kblockd/3]
>>> root        38     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kacpid]
>>> root        39     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kacpi_notify]
>>> root        40     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kacpi_hotplug]
>>> root        41     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [ata_aux]
>>> root        42     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [ata_sff/0]
>>> root        43     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [ata_sff/1]
>>> root        44     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [ata_sff/2]
>>> root        45     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [ata_sff/3]
>>> root        46     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [ksuspend_usbd]
>>> root        47     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [khubd]
>>> root        48     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kseriod]
>>> root        49     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [md/0]
>>> root        50     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [md/1]
>>> root        51     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [md/2]
>>> root        52     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [md/3]
>>> root        53     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [md_misc/0]
>>> root        54     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [md_misc/1]
>>> root        55     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [md_misc/2]
>>> root        56     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [md_misc/3]
>>> root        57     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [linkwatch]
>>> root        58     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:04 [khungtaskd]
>>> root        59     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:13 [kswapd0]
>>> root        60     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [ksmd]
>>> root        61     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [aio/0]
>>> root        62     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [aio/1]
>>> root        63     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [aio/2]
>>> root        64     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [aio/3]
>>> root        65     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [crypto/0]
>>> root        66     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [crypto/1]
>>> root        67     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [crypto/2]
>>> root        68     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [crypto/3]
>>> root        76     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kthrotld/0]
>>> root        77     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kthrotld/1]
>>> root        78     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kthrotld/2]
>>> root        79     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kthrotld/3]
>>> root        80     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [pciehpd]
>>> root        82     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kpsmoused]
>>> root        83     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [usbhid_resumer]
>>> root        84     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [deferwq]
>>> root       116     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kdmremove]
>>> root       117     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kstriped]
>>> root       150     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [i915]
>>> root       151     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [i915-dp]
>>> root       280     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [scsi_eh_0]
>>> root       281     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [scsi_eh_1]
>>> root       327     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:03:07 [kdmflush]
>>> root       329     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [kdmflush]
>>> root       347     2  0 Jul15 ?        01:25:40 [jbd2/dm-0-8]
>>> root       348     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [ext4-dio-unwrit]
>>> nobody     460     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:01:50 /usr/sbin/ns-slapd -D /etc/dirsrv/slapd-kolab -i /var/run/dirsrv/ -w /var/run/dirsrv/slapd-kolab.startpid
>>> root       601     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --basedir=/usr
>>> root       755     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [jbd2/sda1-8]
>>> root       756     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:00 [ext4-dio-unwrit]
>>> mysql      780   601  0 Sep23 ?        00:01:01 /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --log-error=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log --open-files-limit=1540 --p
>>> root       791     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:02 [kauditd]
>>> cyrus      825     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:06 /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-master -d
>>> root       830     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:03 idled
>>> cyrus      837   825  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:01 imapd -s
>>> cyrus      840   825  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:01 imapd -s
>>> cyrus      842   825  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 pop3d -s
>>> cyrus      844   825  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 notifyd
>>> kolab      897     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      898   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      899   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      900   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      901   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      902   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      903   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      904   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      905   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      906   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      907   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      908   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      909   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      910   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      911   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      912   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      913   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      914   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      916   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      917   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      919   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      920   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      921   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      922   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      923   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab      926   897  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/wallaced -p /var/run/wallaced/ --fork -l warning
>>> root       934     2  0 Jul15 ?        00:06:29 [flush-253:0]
>>> root       992     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:29 /usr/bin/spamd -d -c -m5 -H -r /var/run/
>>> root       994   992  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 spamd child
>>> root       996   992  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 spamd child
>>> root      1012     1  0 Jul15 ?        00:00:13 auditd
>>> root      1131     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:01 /usr/libexec/postfix/master
>>> postfix   1135  1131  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 qmgr -l -t fifo -u
>>> 410       1194     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:03 memcached -d -p 11211 -u memcached -m 64 -c 1024 -P /var/run/memcached/ -v -R 20 -n 512 -l -U 0
>>> cyrus     1261   825  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:04 imapd -s
>>> cyrus     1284   825  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:01 imapd -s
>>> postfix   1340  1131  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 tlsmgr -l -t unix -u
>>> root      1703     1  0 Jul15 tty1     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty /dev/tty1
>>> root      1705     1  0 Jul15 tty2     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty /dev/tty2
>>> root      1707     1  0 Jul15 tty3     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty /dev/tty3
>>> root      1709     1  0 Jul15 tty4     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty /dev/tty4
>>> root      1711     1  0 Jul15 tty5     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty /dev/tty5
>>> root      1714     1  0 Jul15 tty6     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty /dev/tty6
>>> root      1848     1  0 Aug09 ?        00:00:58 crond
>>> cyrus     2596   825  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> kolab     3111     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:02:45 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolab-saslauthd -p /var/run/kolab-saslauthd/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab     3423     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolabd -p /var/run/kolabd/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab     3427  3423  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolabd -p /var/run/kolabd/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab     3435  3423  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolabd -p /var/run/kolabd/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab     3451  3423  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:44 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolabd -p /var/run/kolabd/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab     3490  3423  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:06 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolabd -p /var/run/kolabd/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab     3508  3423  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolabd -p /var/run/kolabd/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab     3514  3423  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:30 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolabd -p /var/run/kolabd/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab     3520  3423  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:09 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolabd -p /var/run/kolabd/ --fork -l warning
>>> kolab     3526  3423  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:12 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolabd -p /var/run/kolabd/ --fork -l warning
>>> root      5883     1  0 Aug16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
>>> root      6632     1  0 Aug07 ?        00:00:00 /sbin/udevd -d
>>> amavis    6787     1  0 00:02 ?        00:00:18 /usr/sbin/amavisd (master)
>>> amavis    6839  6787  0 00:02 ?        00:00:17 /usr/sbin/amavisd (ch10-avail)
>>> amavis    6840  6787  0 00:02 ?        00:00:15 /usr/sbin/amavisd (ch10-avail)
>>> amavis    6841  6787  0 00:02 ?        00:00:08 /usr/sbin/amavisd (ch10-avail)
>>> amavis    6842  6787  0 00:02 ?        00:00:14 /usr/sbin/amavisd (ch11-avail)
>>> amavis    6886     1  0 00:03 ?        00:02:10 clamd.amavisd -c /etc/clamd.d/amavisd.conf --pid /var/run/amavisd/
>>> root      6928     1  0 00:03 ?        00:00:01 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> apache    6939  6928  0 00:03 ?        00:00:36 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> apache    6940  6928  0 00:03 ?        00:00:35 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> apache    6942  6928  0 00:03 ?        00:00:36 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> apache    6943  6928  0 00:03 ?        00:00:36 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> apache    6944  6928  0 00:03 ?        00:00:35 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> apache    6945  6928  0 00:03 ?        00:00:39 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> apache    6946  6928  0 00:03 ?        00:00:36 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> apache    6948  6928  0 00:03 ?        00:00:36 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> root      7032     1  0 00:03 ?        00:00:01 /sbin/rsyslogd -i /var/run/ -c 5
>>> apache    7259  6928  0 00:15 ?        00:00:35 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> apache    7271  6928  0 00:15 ?        00:00:35 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> apache    7272  6928  0 00:15 ?        00:00:35 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> cyrus    10821   825  0 06:02 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    10869   825  0 06:10 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    11192   825  0 06:31 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> postfix  11369  1131  0 06:45 ?        00:00:00 pickup -l -t fifo -u
>>> cyrus    11578   825  0 07:02 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    11684   825  0 07:08 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    12412   825  0 08:02 ?        00:00:01 imapd
>>> cyrus    12421   825  0 08:02 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    12435   825  0 08:04 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    12484   825  0 08:10 ?        00:00:00 lmtpd
>>> apache   12485  6928  0 08:10 ?        00:00:03 /usr/sbin/httpd
>>> cyrus    12496   825  0 08:10 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> root     12533  5883  0 08:11 ?        00:00:00 sshd: sysop [priv]
>>> sysop    12535 12533  0 08:12 ?        00:00:00 sshd: sysop@pts/2
>>> sysop    12536 12535  0 08:12 pts/2    00:00:00 -bash
>>> root     12553 12536  0 08:12 pts/2    00:00:00 su -
>>> root     12554 12553  0 08:12 pts/2    00:00:00 -bash
>>> cyrus    12568   825  0 08:12 ?        00:00:01 imapd
>>> cyrus    12569   825  0 08:12 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    12570   825  0 08:12 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    12571   825  0 08:12 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    12572   825  0 08:12 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> cyrus    12573   825  0 08:12 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> cyrus    12580   825  0 08:12 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> cyrus    12582   825  0 08:13 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> cyrus    12612   825  0 08:14 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    12844   825  1 08:14 ?        00:00:01 imapd
>>> cyrus    12872   825  1 08:15 ?        00:00:01 imapd
>>> postfix  12915  1131  0 08:15 ?        00:00:00 smtpd -n smtp -t inet -u -o stress= -s 2
>>> postfix  12917  1131  0 08:15 ?        00:00:00 cleanup -z -t unix -u -o header_checks=regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks.inbound -o mime_header_checks=regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks.inbo
>>> postfix  12918  1131  0 08:15 ?        00:00:00 smtp -n smtp-amavis -t unix -u -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1800 -o disable_dns_lookups=yes -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes -o max_use=20 -o s
>>> postfix  12921  1131  0 08:15 ?        00:00:00 smtpd -n -t inet -u -o cleanup_service_name=cleanup_internal -o content_filter=smtp-wallace:[]:10026 -o local_recipi
>>> postfix  12923  1131  0 08:15 ?        00:00:00 cleanup -z -n cleanup_internal -t unix -u -o header_checks=regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks.internal -o mime_header_checks=regexp:/etc/postf
>>> postfix  12924  1131  0 08:15 ?        00:00:00 smtp -n smtp-wallace -t unix -u -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1800 -o disable_dns_lookups=yes -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes -o max_use=20
>>> postfix  12925  1131  0 08:15 ?        00:00:00 smtpd -n -t inet -u -o cleanup_service_name=cleanup_internal -o content_filter= -o local_recipient_maps= -o relay_recipient_m
>>> postfix  12926  1131  0 08:15 ?        00:00:00 lmtp -t unix -u
>>> cyrus    12927   825  0 08:15 ?        00:00:00 lmtpd
>>> root     12943 12554  0 08:16 pts/2    00:00:00 ps -ef
>>> root     32569     1  0 Sep23 ?        00:00:03 idled
>>> # netstat -an | grep LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0       *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0       *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0   *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0   *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0   *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0    *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0   *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0   *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0     *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0     *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0       *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0     *                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN
>>> tcp        0      0 :::389                      :::*                        LISTEN
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31151959 /var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31309384 /var/spool/amavisd/amavisd.sock
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31151692 /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155226 public/cleanup
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155230 public/cleanup_internal
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155234 public/cleanup_submission
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155241 private/tlsmgr
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155245 private/rewrite
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155249 private/bounce
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155253 private/defer
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155257 private/trace
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155261 private/verify
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31200109 /var/run/saslauthd/mux
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155265 public/flush
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155269 private/proxymap
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155273 private/proxywrite
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155277 private/smtp
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155281 private/relay
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155285 public/showq
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155289 private/error
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155293 private/retry
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155297 private/discard
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155301 private/local
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31310077 /var/spool/amavisd/clamd.sock
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155305 private/virtual
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155309 private/lmtp
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     7303   @/com/ubuntu/upstart
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155313 private/anvil
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155317 private/scache
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155321 private/smtp-amavis
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155332 private/smtp-wallace
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155343 private/recipient_policy
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155347 private/recipient_policy_incoming
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155351 private/sender_policy
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155355 private/sender_policy_incoming
>>> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     31155359 private/submission_policy
>>> # chkconfig --list | grep on
>>> amavisd         0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> auditd          0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> blk-availability        0:off   1:on    2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> cgconfig        0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
>>> clamd.amavisd   0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> crond           0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> cyrus-imapd     0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> dirsrv          0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> httpd           0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> iscsi           0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> iscsid          0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> kolab-saslauthd 0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> kolabd          0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> lvm2-monitor    0:off   1:on    2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> mdmonitor       0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> memcached       0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> mysqld          0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> netconsole      0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
>>> netfs           0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> network         0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> portreserve     0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> postfix         0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> restorecond     0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
>>> rsyslog         0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> spamassassin    0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> sshd            0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> udev-post       0:off   1:on    2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> wallace         0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
>>> # /usr/bin/python -V
>>> Python 2.6.6
>>> The only Thing what I have from beginning on CentOS 6.6 was a segfault for:
>>> ctl_cyrusdb[3779]: segfault at 7261763b ip 00261c41 sp bff85888 error 4 in[1f1000+191000]
>>> which is still there but has no Impact from my point of view. I also posted this but nobody answered. I only see a lot of ptloader Messages with Problems etc. I did a strace for this segfault and even I'm not a specialist the work which ctl_cyrusdb will be done but at the end the process can not be correctly terminated (mem leak?):
>>> execve("/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_cyrusdb", ["/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_cyrusdb", "-c"], [/* 17 vars */]) = 0
>>> brk(0)                                  = 0x7f7000
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77f2000
>>> access("/etc/", R_OK)      = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
>>> open("/etc/", O_RDONLY)      = 3
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=32965, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 32965, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0) = 0xb77e9000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\360\323\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=480136, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 556920, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0xb1f000
>>> mmap2(0xb92000, 12288, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x72) = 0xb92000
>>> mmap2(0xb95000, 73592, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb95000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)     = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\300\17\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=15200, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 17828, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x7d5000
>>> mmap2(0x7d9000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x3) = 0x7d9000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\320L\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=152504, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 155432, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x1b5000
>>> mmap2(0x1c9000, 73728, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x13) = 0x1c9000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0@j\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=1242060, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 1243400, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x473000
>>> mmap2(0x5a1000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x12e) = 0x5a1000
>>> mmap2(0x5a2000, 2312, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x5a2000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\340\26\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=45684, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77e8000
>>> mmap2(NULL, 48444, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x188000
>>> mmap2(0x193000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0xa) = 0x193000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\3201\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=104708, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 107560, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0xa5f000
>>> mmap2(0xa78000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x18) = 0xa78000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\20\363\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=420428, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 423320, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x1db000
>>> mprotect(0x23c000, 4096, PROT_NONE)     = 0
>>> mmap2(0x23d000, 24576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x61) = 0x23d000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0@\340\3\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=1849944, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 1867512, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x243000
>>> mmap2(0x3f1000, 94208, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x1ad) = 0x3f1000
>>> mmap2(0x408000, 12024, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x408000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0000n\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=262124, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 261128, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x40b000
>>> mmap2(0x449000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x3e) = 0x449000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)     = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\240\t\1\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=901552, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77e7000
>>> mmap2(NULL, 904716, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x5a3000
>>> mmap2(0x679000, 28672, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0xd5) = 0x679000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\340*\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=169712, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 172056, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0xcd9000
>>> mmap2(0xd01000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x28) = 0xd01000
>>> mmap2(0xd03000, 24, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xd03000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)  = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0P\16\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=13836, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 16596, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x194000
>>> mmap2(0x197000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x2) = 0x197000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\360\36\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=42716, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 45592, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x199000
>>> mmap2(0x1a3000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x9) = 0x1a3000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)   = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\240&\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=103388, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 104520, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0xf9c000
>>> mprotect(0xfb1000, 4096, PROT_NONE)     = 0
>>> mmap2(0xfb2000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x15) = 0xfb2000
>>> mmap2(0xfb4000, 6216, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xfb4000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)        = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\360\27\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=75384, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 78096, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x44b000
>>> mmap2(0x45d000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x11) = 0x45d000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)        = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\3\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\220n\1\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=1902892, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77e6000
>>> mmap2(NULL, 1665452, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x88d000
>>> mprotect(0xa1d000, 4096, PROT_NONE)     = 0
>>> mmap2(0xa1e000, 12288, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x190) = 0xa1e000
>>> mmap2(0xa21000, 10668, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xa21000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)       = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0`\n\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=17896, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 16500, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x1a5000
>>> mmap2(0x1a8000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x2) = 0x1a8000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)    = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\260\10\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=38380, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 192860, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x798000
>>> mmap2(0x79f000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x7) = 0x79f000
>>> mmap2(0x7a1000, 155996, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7a1000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0p\t\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=9536, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 12332, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x745000
>>> mmap2(0x747000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x1) = 0x747000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)  = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\240M\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=131220, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 107044, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x680000
>>> mmap2(0x697000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x16) = 0x697000
>>> mmap2(0x699000, 4644, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x699000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)  = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\360C\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=120784, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77e5000
>>> mmap2(NULL, 125988, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0xaab000
>>> mmap2(0xac8000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x1c) = 0xac8000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)    = 3
>>> read(3, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\360\7\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=9604, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 12384, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0) = 0x1aa000
>>> mmap2(0x1ac000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x1) = 0x1ac000
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77e4000
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77e3000
>>> set_thread_area({entry_number:-1 -> 6, base_addr:0xb77e3770, limit:1048575, seg_32bit:1, contents:0, read_exec_only:0, limit_in_pages:1, seg_not_present:0, useable:1}) = 0
>>> mprotect(0x1ac000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0xac8000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0x697000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0x747000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0x79f000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0x1a8000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0xa1e000, 8192, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0x45d000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0xfb2000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0x1a3000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0x197000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0xd01000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0x679000, 24576, PROT_READ)    = 0
>>> mprotect(0x449000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0x3f1000, 65536, PROT_READ)    = 0
>>> mprotect(0x23d000, 8192, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0xa78000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> mprotect(0xe1d000, 4096, PROT_READ)     = 0
>>> munmap(0xb77e9000, 32965)               = 0
>>> set_tid_address(0xb77e37d8)             = 18312
>>> set_robust_list(0xb77e37e0, 0xc)        = 0
>>> futex(0xbfc38e14, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0
>>> futex(0xbfc38e14, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 1, NULL, bfc38e24) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
>>> rt_sigaction(SIGRTMIN, {0x684770, [], SA_SIGINFO}, NULL, 8) = 0
>>> rt_sigaction(SIGRT_1, {0x684c70, [], SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO}, NULL, 8) =
>>> 0
>>> rt_sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, [RTMIN RT_1], NULL, 8) = 0
>>> getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, {rlim_cur=10240*1024, rlim_max=RLIM_INFINITY}) =
>>> 0
>>> uname({sys="Linux", node="", ...}) = 0
>>> statfs64("/selinux", 84, {f_type="EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC", f_bsize=4096, f_blocks=75736164, f_bfree=74888440, f_bavail=71039583, f_files=19251200, f_ffree=19169800, f_fsid={1215468629, -366037547}, f_namelen=255, f_frsize=4096}) = 0
>>> brk(0)                                  = 0x7f7000
>>> brk(0x818000)                           = 0x818000
>>> open("/proc/filesystems", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 3
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0444, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77f1000
>>> read(3, "nodev\tsysfs\nnodev\trootfs\nnodev\tb"..., 1024) = 304
>>> read(3, "", 1024)                       = 0
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> munmap(0xb77f1000, 4096)                = 0
>>> access("/usr/share/dracut/modules.d/01fips", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
>>> geteuid32()                             = 76
>>> open("/etc/imapd.conf", O_RDONLY)       = 3
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2813, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77f1000
>>> read(3, "# log to seperated log\nsyslog_pr"..., 4096) = 2813
>>> read(3, "", 4096)                       = 0
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> munmap(0xb77f1000, 4096)                = 0
>>> uname({sys="Linux", node="", ...}) = 0
>>> umask(077)                              = 022
>>> open("/var/lib/imap/db/skipstamp", O_RDONLY) = 3
>>> read(3, "U\266\16\235", 4)              = 4
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> time(NULL)                              = 1437997776
>>> time(NULL)                              = 1437997776
>>> open("/etc/localtime", O_RDONLY)        = 3
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1892, ...}) = 0
>>> fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1892, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77f1000
>>> read(3, "TZif2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\0"..., 4096) = 1892
>>> _llseek(3, -28, [1864], SEEK_CUR)       = 0
>>> read(3, "\nCET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3\n", 4096) = 28
>>> close(3)                                = 0
>>> munmap(0xb77f1000, 4096)                = 0
>>> connect(3, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/dev/log"}, 110) = 0
>>> send(3, "<181>Jul 27 13:49:36 imap/ctl_cy"..., 75, MSG_NOSIGNAL) = 75
>>> open("/var/lib/imap/db.backup2", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_DIRECTORY|O_CLOEXEC) = 4
>>> fcntl64(4, F_GETFD)                     = 0x1 (flags FD_CLOEXEC)
>>> getdents(4, /* 4 entries */, 32768)     = 84
>>> unlink("/var/lib/imap/db.backup2/annotations.db") = 0
>>> unlink("/var/lib/imap/db.backup2/mailboxes.db") = 0
>>> getdents(4, /* 0 entries */, 32768)     = 0
>>> close(4)                                = 0
>>> rmdir("/var/lib/imap/db.backup2")       = 0
>>> rename("/var/lib/imap/db.backup1", "/var/lib/imap/db.backup2") = 0
>>> mkdir("/var/lib/imap/db.backup1", 0755) = 0
>>> open("/var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db", O_RDONLY) = 4
>>> fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=40288, ...}) = 0
>>> open("/var/lib/imap/db.backup1/mailboxes.db", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 5
>>> mmap2(NULL, 40288, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 4, 0) = 0xb77d9000
>>> write(5, "\241\2\213\rtwoskip file\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\f"..., 40288) = 40288
>>> fsync(5)                                = 0
>>> munmap(0xb77d9000, 40288)               = 0
>>> close(4)                                = 0
>>> close(5)                                = 0
>>> open("/var/lib/imap/annotations.db", O_RDONLY) = 4
>>> fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=79360, ...}) = 0
>>> open("/var/lib/imap/db.backup1/annotations.db", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 5
>>> mmap2(NULL, 79360, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 4, 0) = 0xb77cf000
>>> write(5, "\241\2\213\rtwoskip file\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\n"..., 79360) = 79360
>>> fsync(5)                                = 0
>>> munmap(0xb77cf000, 79360)               = 0
>>> close(4)                                = 0
>>> close(5)                                = 0
>>> open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY|O_NONBLOCK) = 4
>>> writev(4, [{"*** glibc detected *** ", 23}, {"/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_cyrusdb", 32}, {": ", 2}, {"free(): invalid next size (fast)", 32}, {": 0x", 4}, {"007f77d8", 8}, {" ***\n", 5}], 7) = 106
>>> mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb77f1000
>>> open("/etc/", O_RDONLY)      = 5
>>> fstat64(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=32965, ...}) = 0
>>> mmap2(NULL, 32965, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 5, 0) = 0xb77da000
>>> close(5)                                = 0
>>> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)    = 5
>>> read(5, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\240\37\0\0004\0\0\0"..., 512) = 512
>>> fstat64(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=120672, ...}) = 0
>>> --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---
>>> +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
>>> I absolutly agree on your sentence that the ptloader can not connect! For some reasons for only this domain as user ptloader does not work....for all otherones it works as designed. If I activate canonification as ptloader again and restart cyrus-imapd it works as soon as this domain is trying to connect/Login. After first Login ptloader will be segfault and abnormaly terminated! Funny and not understandable....! From this Point of view I have to deactivate canonification as ptloader otherwise I have a poblem on the System. This is also confirmed by debug cyrus-imapd in debug with activated canonification and ptloader (this morning):
>>> Sep 24 09:06:34 kolab imap/imap[24325]: SSL_accept() succeeded -> done
>>> Sep 24 09:06:34 kolab imap/imap[24325]: starttls: TLSv1 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits new) no authentication
>>> Sep 24 09:06:34 kolab imap/imap[24325]: ptload(): fetched cache record (monika.pachera@xxxxxxxxxxx)(mark 1443078393, current 1443078394, limit 1443067594)
>>> Sep 24 09:06:34 kolab imap/imap[24325]: ptload returning data
>>> Sep 24 09:06:34 kolab imap/imap[24325]: canonified monika.pachera@xxxxxxxxxxx -> monika.pachera@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Sep 24 09:06:34 kolab imap/imap[24325]: login: kolab [] monika.pachera@xxxxxxxxxxx PLAIN+TLS User logged in SESSIONID=<imap-24325-1443078394-1-11547531549609516667>
>>> Sep 24 09:06:34 kolab imap/imap[24325]: open: user monika^pachera@xxxxxxxxxxx opened Configuration
>>> Sep 24 09:06:34 kolab imap/imap[24325]: open: user monika^pachera@xxxxxxxxxxx opened Sent Messages
>>> Sep 24 09:06:34 kolab imap/imap[24325]: SQUAT failed to open index file
>>> Sep 24 09:06:34 kolab imap/imap[24325]: SQUAT failed
>>> Sep 24 09:06:35 kolab imap/imap[24325]: USAGE monika.pachera@xxxxxxxxxxx user: 0.261960 sys: 0.016997
>>> Sep 24 09:06:54 kolab imap/imap[24324]: accepted connection
>>> Sep 24 09:06:54 kolab imap/imap[24324]: TLS client engine: Setting SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION
>>> Sep 24 09:06:54 kolab imap/imap[24324]: TLS server engine: No client CA data configured.
>>> Sep 24 09:06:54 kolab imap/imap[24324]: imapd:Loading DH parameters from file
>>> Sep 24 09:06:54 kolab imap/imap[24324]: TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension: "localhost"
>>> Sep 24 09:06:55 kolab imap/imap[24324]: SSL_accept() incomplete -> wait
>>> Sep 24 09:06:55 kolab imap/imap[24324]: SSL_accept() succeeded -> done
>>> Sep 24 09:06:55 kolab imap/imap[24324]: starttls: TLSv1 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits new) no authentication
>>> Sep 24 09:06:55 kolab imap/imap[24324]: ptload(): fetched cache record (andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx)(mark 1443078203, current 1443078415, limit 1443067615)
>>> Sep 24 09:06:55 kolab imap/imap[24324]: ptload returning data
>>> Sep 24 09:06:55 kolab imap/imap[24324]: canonified andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx -> andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx
>>> Sep 24 09:06:55 kolab imap/imap[24324]: login: kolab [] andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx PLAIN+TLS User logged in SESSIONID=<imap-24324-1443078414-1-16743919020469310150>
>>> Sep 24 09:08:30 kolab imap/imap[24324]: accepted connection
>>> Sep 24 09:08:30 kolab imap/imap[24324]: TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension: "localhost"
>>> Sep 24 09:08:30 kolab imap/imap[24441]: executed
>>> Sep 24 09:08:30 kolab imap/imap[24324]: SSL_accept() incomplete -> wait
>>> Sep 24 09:08:30 kolab imap/imap[24324]: SSL_accept() succeeded -> done
>>> Sep 24 09:08:30 kolab imap/imap[24324]: starttls: TLSv1 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits new) no authentication
>>> Sep 24 09:08:30 kolab imap/imap[24324]: ptload(): fetched cache record (harald.wojnowski@xxxxxxxxxxxx)(mark 1443078173, current 1443078510, limit 1443067710)
>>> Sep 24 09:08:30 kolab imap/imap[24324]: ptload returning data
>>> Sep 24 09:08:30 kolab imap/imap[24324]: canonified harald.wojnowski@xxxxxxxxxxxx -> harald.wojnowski@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Sep 24 09:08:30 kolab imap/imap[24324]: login: kolab [] harald.wojnowski@xxxxxxxxxxxx PLAIN+TLS User logged in SESSIONID=<imap-24324-1443078510-1-11054824279779783193>
>>> Funny funny funny......I can not explain this!?!
>>> ---
>>> kind regards
>>> Andrea Soliva
>>> Email: andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx
>>> Am 23-09-2015 23:05, schrieb signaldeveloper@xxxxxxxxx:
>>>> Python may need updated actually now I think about it. After reviewing
>>>> your logs it can't seem to connect to it. Can you ensure services are
>>>> running and py is installed?
>>>> Also It is clue* not clou... :)
>>>> - Paul
>>>>> On Sep 23, 2015, at 1:01 PM, Soliva, Andrea <andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Paul
>>>>> created /etc/sasldb2 new with correct permissions. activated canonification as ptloader but no success. All users can Login but not the new one. This Login for the new Domain/user Crashs ptloader (only this one). In kolab.conf from my Point of view I have defined for Primary_email following:
>>>>> primary_mail = %(givenname)s.%(surname)s@%(domain)s
>>>>> And this is from my Point of view Default.....right?
>>>>> From this point of view no success with this damed ptloader which is from my point of view not stable! I'm wondering for whatelse is ptloader used except for authentication...because if I disable ptloader I do not see any Impact!?
>>>>> No clou how to proceed......
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> Andrea Soliva
>>>>> Email: andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Am 23-09-2015 16:48, schrieb signaldeveloper@xxxxxxxxx:
>>>>>> Change your primary mail to the default syntax that kolab ships with.
>>>>>> Using anything other than that will cause PTload to crash.
>>>>>> First.last@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> - Paul
>>>>>>> On Sep 23, 2015, at 5:31 AM, Soliva, Andrea <andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Paul
>>>>>>> I'm writing direct because of the Attachement (not really stuff to be posted in list)! At the Moment I'm completly confiused because no it is clou why!? This means even I have the entry in file /etc/Default/kolab-server with the mentioned FLAGS it does not debug in /var/log/kolab. The file kolab-server has root:root and tried to Change some rights with kolab:kolab etc. but nothing changed!? Also the log file has kolab:kolab and the log file works for wallace debug. Anyway I stoped kolabd and launched the debug command manually with:
>>>>>>> /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/kolabd -l debug -d 9 --user kolab --pid-file /var/run/kolabd/
>>>>>>> and now it works......what is funny I stopped and started kolabd several times using also debug etc. and I have n clou but now it works to login with the new domain as user with canonification enabled as ptloader running etc. For me this has no logic which means it seems to me somewhere not stable. The question is also what to do if a new domain has to be created again with a new user? Disable for creation of the Domain as User the canonfication as ptloader? and as soon as maibox is created activate again? Makes this sense....not really. For your Information attached the full debug of the login of the user which works now even I have no Clou why. Also the ldif file for this domain is included as the kolabc.conf which shows the config. I have to say I have no cloud at the Moment why it is working because actually I did not change anyhting. From beginning in kolab.conf I define the primary email address as folllowing:
>>>>>>> auth_mechanism = ldap
>>>>>>> primary_domain =
>>>>>>> #primary_mail = %(surname)s@%(domain)s
>>>>>>> primary_mail = %(givenname)s.%(surname)s@%(domain)s
>>>>>>> policy_uid = %(surname)s.lower()
>>>>>>> For every Domain I'm defininig in the file kolab.conf following:
>>>>>>> []
>>>>>>> auth_mechanism = ldap
>>>>>>> primary_mail = %(givenname)s.%(surname)s@%(domain)s
>>>>>>> #default_quota = 1048576
>>>>>>> default_quota = 5242880
>>>>>>> default_locale = de_CH
>>>>>>> Because I saw in the debug of kolabd the below message I added to the section for each Domain also "auth_mechanism = ldap" even if I'm right the is a fallback to the default defined auth_mechanism = ldap:
>>>>>>> 2015-09-23 10:46:33,681 pykolab.auth DEBUG [20890]: Section has no option 'auth_mechanism'
>>>>>>> As mentioned in the attachement following:
>>>>>>> kolab_securcrt.log [shows even I did not change anything the successfful login of the user new Domain "mauro.potalivo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" but I logged in with the alias info@ even I tried in the past also the Primary-Email mauro.potalivo"]
>>>>>>> [Backup of dirsrv file for the related Domain with the issue]
>>>>>>> At the Moment I'm feeling something is not stable as it should!? and asking myself what can be done in advanced in case a new Domain as user must be created to no run in the same Problem because as I said the Server is running fine without any Problems at all.
>>>>>>> If you saw such stuff in the past.....what has to be attention or what can be done?
>>>>>>> Again many thanks for your help really appriciated!
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>> Email: andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> -------- Originalnachricht --------
>>>>>>> Betreff: Re: Kolab 3.4 on CentOS 6.6 (ptload completely failed)
>>>>>>> Datum: 23-09-2015 09:33
>>>>>>> Von: Soliva Andrea <soliva@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> An: signaldeveloper@xxxxxxxxx, users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> Hi Paul
>>>>>>> first of all many thanks for your help appriciated! At the Moment I'm confiused regarding this issue! :-(
>>>>>>> What you mean exact with "Try running your python and see what it Outputs"? Means your sentence to enable for kolabd serivice debug? If yes you mean activate following in following file and restart kolabd Service?
>>>>>>> vi /etc/default/kolab-server
>>>>>>> FLAGS="-l debug -d 9"
>>>>>>> service restart kolabd
>>>>>>> If no can you please point me in the right direction regarding "Try running your python and see what it Outputs"?
>>>>>>> As mentioned for this domain and user I tried - with enabled canonification and ptloader- to create the domain as the user. Impact....the domain is correctly created in dirsrv without any errors (debug mode). If I create after logging out and in again the user under the specific domain I can see in dirsrv that the user is created correctly without any errro (debug mode). I can see in cyrus-imapd that ptloader don't get any data back from dirsrv from this point of view no mailbox is created (Output of debug in previous post). Also in this state I'm able with "testsaslauthd" to login successful with the new user. If I try to login with the new user on roundcube I have the error which Points to your sentence "Are you getting a "bad user ID" and it says an email address didn't auth?" which means absolutly YES:
>>>>>>> ==> /var/log/imapd/imapd.log <==
>>>>>>> Sep 23 08:51:10 kolab imap/imap[16917]: ptload(): empty response from ptloader server
>>>>>>> Sep 23 08:51:10 kolab imap/imap[16917]: ptload completely failed: unable to canonify identifier: user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> Sep 23 08:51:10 kolab imap/imap[16917]: SASL bad userid authenticated
>>>>>>> Sep 23 08:51:10 kolab imap/imap[16917]: badlogin: kolab [] PLAIN [SASL(-13): authentication failure: bad userid authenticated]
>>>>>>> Sep 23 08:51:10 kolab imap/ptloader[16942]: starting: ptloader.c,v git2.5+0
>>>>>>> After that I deleted the user as the Domain completly as refreshing the Service with:
>>>>>>> # service kolabd stop
>>>>>>> Delete User from LDAP:
>>>>>>> # /usr/lib/mozldap/ldapdelete -D cn="Directory Manager" -w [Your Password] uid=deaduser,ou=People,dc=domain,dc=ch
>>>>>>> Delete IMAP Mailbox (even this is not existing):
>>>>>>> # kolab dm user/deaduser@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> # service cyrus-imapd stop
>>>>>>> # pkill idled
>>>>>>> # service cyrus-imapd start
>>>>>>> # service kolabd start
>>>>>>> Clean-Up all DELETED stuff (carefull alsl DELETED marked stuff as deleted Messages etc will be removed):
>>>>>>> # /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/cyr_expire -D 0 -E 0 -X 0
>>>>>>> Delete new created Domain:
>>>>>>> # cd /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/
>>>>>>> # /usr/bin/php domain_delete.php
>>>>>>> After that I disabled canonification in /etc/imapd.conf as following:
>>>>>>> # log to seperated log
>>>>>>> syslog_prefix: imap
>>>>>>> syslog_facility: local6
>>>>>>> # enable 1 /disable 0 debug mode
>>>>>>> debug: 1
>>>>>>> configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
>>>>>>> defaultpartition: default
>>>>>>> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
>>>>>>> partition-archive: /var/spool/imap
>>>>>>> admins: cyrus-admin
>>>>>>> sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
>>>>>>> sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
>>>>>>> #sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop saslauthd
>>>>>>> sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
>>>>>>> sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
>>>>>>> allowplaintext: no
>>>>>>> #tls_server_cert: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
>>>>>>> #tls_server_key: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
>>>>>>> tls_server_cert: /etc/pki/tls/certs/
>>>>>>> tls_server_key: /etc/pki/tls/private/
>>>>>>> #tls_server_ca_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/
>>>>>>> # used with Cyrus 2.5
>>>>>>> # used with Cyrus 2.4
>>>>>>> # uncomment this if you're operating in a DSCP environment (RFC-4594)
>>>>>>> # qosmarking: af13
>>>>>>> #
>>>>>>> #auth_mech: pts
>>>>>>> #pts_module: ldap
>>>>>>> #ldap_servers: ldap://localhost:389
>>>>>>> #ldap_sasl: 0
>>>>>>> #ldap_base: dc=comcept,dc=ch
>>>>>>> #ldap_bind_dn: uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=comcept,dc=ch
>>>>>>> #ldap_password: [Your Password]
>>>>>>> #ldap_filter: (|(&(|(uid=cyrus-admin)(uid=cyrus-murder))(uid=%U))(&(|(uid=%U)(mail=%U@%d)(mail=%U@%r))(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)))
>>>>>>> #ldap_user_attribute: mail
>>>>>>> #ldap_group_base: dc=comcept,dc=ch
>>>>>>> #ldap_group_filter: (&(cn=%u)(objectclass=ldapsubentry)(objectclass=nsroledefinition))
>>>>>>> #ldap_group_scope: one
>>>>>>> #ldap_member_base: ou=People,dc=comcept,dc=ch
>>>>>>> #ldap_member_method: attribute
>>>>>>> #ldap_member_attribute: nsrole
>>>>>>> #ldap_restart: 1
>>>>>>> #ldap_timeout: 10
>>>>>>> #ldap_time_limit: 10
>>>>>>> unixhierarchysep: 1
>>>>>>> virtdomains: userid
>>>>>>> annotation_definitions: /etc/imapd.annotations.conf
>>>>>>> sieve_extensions: fileinto reject envelope body vacation imapflags notify include regex subaddress relational copy date index
>>>>>>> allowallsubscribe: 0
>>>>>>> allowusermoves: 1
>>>>>>> altnamespace: 1
>>>>>>> hashimapspool: 1
>>>>>>> anysievefolder: 1
>>>>>>> fulldirhash: 0
>>>>>>> sieveusehomedir: 0
>>>>>>> sieve_allowreferrals: 0
>>>>>>> lmtp_downcase_rcpt: 1
>>>>>>> lmtp_fuzzy_mailbox_match: 1
>>>>>>> username_tolower: 1
>>>>>>> deletedprefix: DELETED
>>>>>>> delete_mode: delayed
>>>>>>> expunge_mode: delayed
>>>>>>> postuser: shared
>>>>>>> #
>>>>>>> # Below lines add MultiDomain Support Kolab 3.4
>>>>>>> ldap_domain_base_dn: cn=kolab,cn=config
>>>>>>> ldap_domain_filter: (&(objectclass=domainrelatedobject)(associateddomain=%s))
>>>>>>> ldap_domain_name_attribute: associatedDomain
>>>>>>> ldap_domain_scope: sub
>>>>>>> ldap_domain_result_attribute: inetdomainbasedn
>>>>>>> In /etc/cyrus.conf I did following:
>>>>>>> # standard standalone server implementation
>>>>>>> START {
>>>>>>> # do not delete this entry!
>>>>>>> recover     cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"
>>>>>>> # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
>>>>>>> idled               cmd="idled"
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> # UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/lib/imap/sockets
>>>>>>> SERVICES {
>>>>>>> # add or remove based on preferences
>>>>>>> imap                cmd="imapd" listen="imap" proto="tcp4" prefork=5
>>>>>>> imaps               cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" proto="tcp4" prefork=5
>>>>>>> #    pop3               cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=3
>>>>>>> pop3s               cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" proto="tcp4" prefork=1
>>>>>>> sieve               cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" proto="tcp4" prefork=0
>>>>>>> #    ptloader    cmd="ptloader" listen="/var/lib/imap/ptclient/ptsock" prefork=1
>>>>>>> # these are only necessary if receiving/exporting usenet via NNTP
>>>>>>> #nntp               cmd="nntpd" listen="nntp" prefork=3
>>>>>>> #nntps              cmd="nntpd -s" listen="nntps" prefork=1
>>>>>>> # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
>>>>>>> #lmtp               cmd="lmtpd" listen="lmtp" prefork=0
>>>>>>> lmtpunix    cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=1
>>>>>>> # this is only necessary if using notifications
>>>>>>> notify      cmd="notifyd" listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/notify" proto="udp" prefork=1
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> EVENTS {
>>>>>>> # this is required
>>>>>>> checkpoint  cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30
>>>>>>> # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression,
>>>>>>> # Sieve or NNTP
>>>>>>> duplicateprune cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400
>>>>>>> # Expire data older then 69 days. Two full months of 31 days
>>>>>>> # each includes two full backup cycles, plus 1 week margin
>>>>>>> # because we run our full backups on the first sat/sun night
>>>>>>> # of each month.
>>>>>>> deleteprune cmd="cyr_expire -E 4 -D 69" at=0430
>>>>>>> expungeprune cmd="cyr_expire -E 4 -X 69" at=0445
>>>>>>> # this is only necessary if caching TLS sessions
>>>>>>> tlsprune    cmd="tls_prune" at=0400
>>>>>>> # Create search indexes regularly
>>>>>>> #squatter    cmd="squatter -s -i" at=0530
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> After that I stoped and started cyrus-imapd. Now I creaed the domain new as the user. It took about 30 Seconds and the Mailbox of the user was correctly created. During this time kolabd was in debug mode with "FLAGS="-l debug -d 9"
>>>>>>> " as cyrus-imapd" as "dirsrv" and absolutly no error. I tested to login in roundcubemail with the new user from the new Domain as the otherones which are existing and all works fine. I tested mail function to external and internal all successful. Because you said that ptloader has to run I enabled this morning ptloader again without enabling canonification which means I only activated in /etc/cyrus.conf following line:
>>>>>>> ptloader    cmd="ptloader" listen="/var/lib/imap/ptclient/ptsock" prefork=1
>>>>>>> Restartet the cyrus-imapd Service and tried to login with the new user from the new domain and it was successful no problems except that within start of cyrus-imapd for the ptloader following is shown:
>>>>>>> PTS module afskrb not supported
>>>>>>> After that I tried to enabled canonfication again in following way:
>>>>>>> # log to seperated log
>>>>>>> syslog_prefix: imap
>>>>>>> syslog_facility: local6
>>>>>>> # enable 1 /disable 0 debug mode
>>>>>>> debug: 1
>>>>>>> configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
>>>>>>> defaultpartition: default
>>>>>>> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
>>>>>>> partition-archive: /var/spool/imap
>>>>>>> admins: cyrus-admin
>>>>>>> sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
>>>>>>> sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
>>>>>>> sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop saslauthd
>>>>>>> #sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
>>>>>>> sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
>>>>>>> allowplaintext: no
>>>>>>> #tls_server_cert: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
>>>>>>> #tls_server_key: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
>>>>>>> tls_server_cert: /etc/pki/tls/certs/
>>>>>>> tls_server_key: /etc/pki/tls/private/
>>>>>>> #tls_server_ca_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/
>>>>>>> # used with Cyrus 2.5
>>>>>>> # used with Cyrus 2.4
>>>>>>> # uncomment this if you're operating in a DSCP environment (RFC-4594)
>>>>>>> # qosmarking: af13
>>>>>>> #
>>>>>>> auth_mech: pts
>>>>>>> pts_module: ldap
>>>>>>> ldap_servers: ldap://localhost:389
>>>>>>> ldap_sasl: 0
>>>>>>> ldap_base: dc=comcept,dc=ch
>>>>>>> ldap_bind_dn: uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=comcept,dc=ch
>>>>>>> ldap_password: [Your Password]
>>>>>>> ldap_filter: (|(&(|(uid=cyrus-admin)(uid=cyrus-murder))(uid=%U))(&(|(uid=%U)(mail=%U@%d)(mail=%U@%r))(objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)))
>>>>>>> ldap_user_attribute: mail
>>>>>>> ldap_group_base: dc=comcept,dc=ch
>>>>>>> ldap_group_filter: (&(cn=%u)(objectclass=ldapsubentry)(objectclass=nsroledefinition))
>>>>>>> ldap_group_scope: one
>>>>>>> ldap_member_base: ou=People,dc=comcept,dc=ch
>>>>>>> ldap_member_method: attribute
>>>>>>> ldap_member_attribute: nsrole
>>>>>>> ldap_restart: 1
>>>>>>> ldap_timeout: 10
>>>>>>> ldap_time_limit: 10
>>>>>>> unixhierarchysep: 1
>>>>>>> virtdomains: userid
>>>>>>> annotation_definitions: /etc/imapd.annotations.conf
>>>>>>> sieve_extensions: fileinto reject envelope body vacation imapflags notify include regex subaddress relational copy date index
>>>>>>> allowallsubscribe: 0
>>>>>>> allowusermoves: 1
>>>>>>> altnamespace: 1
>>>>>>> hashimapspool: 1
>>>>>>> anysievefolder: 1
>>>>>>> fulldirhash: 0
>>>>>>> sieveusehomedir: 0
>>>>>>> sieve_allowreferrals: 0
>>>>>>> lmtp_downcase_rcpt: 1
>>>>>>> lmtp_fuzzy_mailbox_match: 1
>>>>>>> username_tolower: 1
>>>>>>> deletedprefix: DELETED
>>>>>>> delete_mode: delayed
>>>>>>> expunge_mode: delayed
>>>>>>> postuser: shared
>>>>>>> #
>>>>>>> # Below lines add MultiDomain Support Kolab 3.4
>>>>>>> ldap_domain_base_dn: cn=kolab,cn=config
>>>>>>> ldap_domain_filter: (&(objectclass=domainrelatedobject)(associateddomain=%s))
>>>>>>> ldap_domain_name_attribute: associatedDomain
>>>>>>> ldap_domain_scope: sub
>>>>>>> ldap_domain_result_attribute: inetdomainbasedn
>>>>>>> Restartet the Service cyrus-imapd and tried to login to roundcubemail with new user from the new Domain and it was NOT successful with following error:
>>>>>>> ==> /var/log/imapd/imapd.log <==
>>>>>>> Sep 23 08:51:10 kolab imap/imap[16917]: ptload(): empty response from ptloader server
>>>>>>> Sep 23 08:51:10 kolab imap/imap[16917]: ptload completely failed: unable to canonify identifier: user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> Sep 23 08:51:10 kolab imap/imap[16917]: SASL bad userid authenticated
>>>>>>> Sep 23 08:51:10 kolab imap/imap[16917]: badlogin: kolab [] PLAIN [SASL(-13): authentication failure: bad userid authenticated]
>>>>>>> All other Domains/user can login without problems only the new domain and the new user can not login if canonification is activated!? for pykolab.log I have no output no error at all?! Sorry but this I do not understand. By the way if the above error appears "SASL bad userid authenticated" the pdloader gets a Segmentation fault and will be terminated but only for this domain and user not for the otherones!?
>>>>>>> At the moment canonification is deactivated and ptloader is running no errors and new user from new domain can login! Imap log shown in this Moment:
>>>>>>> ==> /var/log/imapd/imapd.log <==
>>>>>>> Sep 23 09:27:04 kolab imap/imap[17977]: starttls: TLSv1 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits new) no authentication
>>>>>>> Sep 23 09:27:04 kolab imap/imap[17977]: login: kolab [] user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PLAIN+TLS User logged in SESSIONID=<imap-17977-1442993224-1-13226265222377919693>
>>>>>>> Sep 23 09:27:04 kolab imap/imap[17977]: USAGE user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx user: 0.072989 sys: 0.008999
>>>>>>> Sep 23 09:27:04 kolab imap/imap[18000]: starttls: TLSv1 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits new) no authentication
>>>>>>> Sep 23 09:27:04 kolab imap/imap[18000]: login: kolab [] user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PLAIN+TLS User logged in SESSIONID=<imap-18000-1442993224-1-10401950705182342627>
>>>>>>> What I do really not understand is that the Overall stuff is working for all other Domains as users only for this new Domain as user the stuff is not working. Can not understand this!? As mentioned I can give you some additional Output for python but please tell me how to do that etc.
>>>>>>> Again many thanks for your help really appriciated.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>> Email: andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> Am 23-09-2015 00:49, schrieb signaldeveloper@xxxxxxxxx:
>>>>>>>> Andrea,
>>>>>>>> Don't turn off ptloader it's needed in many functions. I've seen this
>>>>>>>> issue before so many times and it always seems to be a syntax problem
>>>>>>>> with primary_mail...
>>>>>>>> Try running your python and see what it outputs. Are you getting a
>>>>>>>> "bad user ID" and it says an email address didn't auth? Post that
>>>>>>>> entry. That will help us diagnose.
>>>>>>>> - Paul
>>>>>>>>> On Sep 22, 2015, at 7:16 AM, Soliva Andrea <soliva@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>> ok now it works....I disabled canonification and disabled ptloader and all works as desigend. Below again a Output of the debug after creation of the user if canonification is enabled as ptloader is running. The issue is clearly that the ptloader receives no information data back from dirsrv and from this no Mailbox will be created etc. Authentication test works for the user (see below). In pykolab.log even debug is enable absolutly no error etc. I do not understand it. What I do also not understand at the moment is the advantage/disadvantage of cononification disable/enable and using ptloader or not. I confiused.....! I do not see any performance Impact by not using ptloader etc. in both cases using memcached or not memcached (db mysql). Any hints on this...?
>>>>>>>>> ==> /var/log/imapd/imapd.log <==
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: ptload(): pinging ptloader
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: connected with no delay
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: ptload(): connected
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: timeout_select: sock = 16, rp = 0x0, wp = 0xbfd472c8, sec = 30
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: accepted connection
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: timeout_select exiting. r = 1; errno = 2
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: ptload sent data
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: timeout_select: sock = 16, rp = 0xbfd47348, wp = 0x0, sec = 30
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Attempting to get domain for deaduser@xxxxxxxxx from cn=kolab,cn=config
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Domain filter: (&(objectclass=domainrelatedobject)(
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Domain is an alias domain for parent domain
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: ptsmodule_standard_root_dn called for domain
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Root DN now
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Root DN now ,dc=
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Root DN now ,dc=domain
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Root DN now ,dc=domain
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Root DN now ,dc=domain,dc=
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Root DN now ,dc=domain,dc=ch
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Root DN now ,dc=domain,dc=ch
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Root DN now dc=domain,dc=ch
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/ptloader[24784]: Continuing with ptsm->base: dc=domain,dc=ch
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: timeout_select exiting. r = 1; errno = 2
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: ptload read data back
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: ptload(): empty response from ptloader server
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: No data available at all from ptload()
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: ptload completely failed: unable to canonify identifier: deaduser@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: SASL bad userid authenticated
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/imaps[24421]: badlogin: kolab [] PLAIN [SASL(-13): authentication failure: bad userid authenticated]
>>>>>>>>> ==> /var/log/postfix/postfix.log <==
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/master[23912]: process type:SERVICE name:ptloader path:/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ptloader age:3.776s pid:24784 signaled to death by signal 6 (Aborted)
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/master[23912]: service ptloader/unix pid 24784 in READY state: terminated abnormally
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:05 kolab imap/master[23912]: too many failures for service ptloader/unix, disabling until next SIGHUP
>>>>>>>>> ==> /var/log/messages <==
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: ptload(): can't connect to ptloader server: Connection refused
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: ptload completely failed: unable to canonify identifier: deaduser@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: SASL bad userid authenticated
>>>>>>>>> ==> /var/log/imapd/imapd.log <==
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: accepted connection
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: SSL_accept() incomplete -> wait
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: SSL_accept() succeeded -> done
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: starttls: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits new) no authentication
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: ptload(): fetched cache record (cyrus-admin)(mark 1442905202, current 1442908989, limit 1442898189)
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: ptload returning data
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: canonified cyrus-admin -> cyrus-admin
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: ptload(): pinging ptloader
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: ptload(): can't connect to ptloader server: Connection refused
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: No data available at all from ptload()
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: ptload completely failed: unable to canonify identifier: deaduser@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: SASL bad userid authenticated
>>>>>>>>> Sep 22 10:03:09 kolab imap/imaps[23925]: badlogin: kolab [] PLAIN [SASL(-13): authentication failure: bad userid authenticated]
>>>>>>>>> # testsaslauthd -u deaduser@xxxxxxxxx -p ********
>>>>>>>>> 0: OK "Success."
>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>>>> Email: andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> Am 22-09-2015 00:49, schrieb signaldeveloper@xxxxxxxxx:
>>>>>>>>>> Andrea,
>>>>>>>>>> Do you have canonification on or off? I had a similar issue. Note that
>>>>>>>>>> when you create a user on kolab web admin you may need to wait for up
>>>>>>>>>> to 30 seconds for it to be created fully. If you log in too fast it
>>>>>>>>>> will give you this error. Watch maillog as soon as you create a user
>>>>>>>>>> and you'll see what I mean. Take a minute sometimes.
>>>>>>>>>> Otherwise I would run testsaslauth commands (can't think of them off
>>>>>>>>>> the top of my head) and see if you can log in. What's your pykolab log
>>>>>>>>>> say? If your SASL fails (which it is showing it is) then it won't be
>>>>>>>>>> created in IMAP. Again try running the test sasl commands and see if
>>>>>>>>>> you can log in with the user.
>>>>>>>>>> Depending on your canonification I would also try logging in with both
>>>>>>>>>> the FULL email and the name to see what happens.
>>>>>>>>>> In kolab conf ensure your Python is correct for primary_mail as if you
>>>>>>>>>> change this it will cause problems. Kolab doesn't accept the general
>>>>>>>>>> python syntax.
>>>>>>>>>> - Paul
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 21, 2015, at 4:46 PM, Soliva Andrea <soliva@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>>>>>>> after several hours debugging and looking to this issue I do not have anymore any ideas how to proceed:
>>>>>>>>>>> I have a installation with 5 main Domains and 1 domain with a associated domain. For this installation I have created in the last two month about 25 users without any problems. I was in the last two weeks in holidays from this point of view it did not change anyhting on the config :-) Specially one domain was new created as the users before I left to holidays. All is working fine also for the domain for the users created before leaving to holidays. From this point of view it can be actually not a config issue because as mentioned for all existing user absolutly no problems for connection and authentication.
>>>>>>>>>>> Today I created a new main domain as one user for this domain. The domain was created in dirsrv without any Errors (debug). Actually the user was also created in dirsrv but the mailbox etc could not be created. In a later phase I saw in debug the reason which means:
>>>>>>>>>>> Even all other users can be verified as the Domains for this specific Domain as user ptload gets no data back from dirsrv!
>>>>>>>>>>> the debug of dirsrv Shows to 100% that the search for the new Domain is successful (canonify) but it shows also "not data back" message from ptload which means for some reason ptload can not get from dirsrv for this particular domain as this user any Information. This will be also shown in the logs with:
>>>>>>>>>>> ==> /var/log/imapd/imapd.log <==
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:26 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: accepted connection
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:26 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: SSL_accept() incomplete -> wait
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:26 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: SSL_accept() succeeded -> done
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:26 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: starttls: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits new) no authentication
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:26 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: ptload(): fetched cache record (cyrus-admin)(mark 1442861102, current 1442865506, limit 1442854706)
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:26 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: ptload returning data
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:26 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: canonified cyrus-admin -> cyrus-admin
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:27 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: ptload(): pinging ptloader
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:27 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: ptload(): can't connect to ptloader server: Connection refused
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:27 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: No data available at all from ptload()
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:27 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: ptload completely failed: unable to canonify identifier: deaduser@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:27 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: SASL bad userid authenticated
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:27 kolab imap/imaps[12877]: badlogin: kolab [] PLAIN [SASL(-13): authentication failure: bad userid authenticated]
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:27 kolab imap/imap[12577]: accepted connection
>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 21 21:58:27 kolab imap/imap[12577]: TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension: "localhost"
>>>>>>>>>>> Again to have no misunderstanding: it Looks like ptloader can not connect but for all other Domains as users no Problems works. As soon as this happens to often the ptloader goes to a Segmentation fault which is shown under dmesg. But even this happens all other user can connect without Problems!
>>>>>>>>>>> I saw on the list some old messages pointing to the same issue which should happen from time to time which means that this happens always. The orkaround which is listed in this message is following as to reach the goal to clean up the new domain and user to beginn from scratch:
>>>>>>>>>>> # service kolabd stop
>>>>>>>>>>> Delete User from LDAP:
>>>>>>>>>>> # /usr/lib/mozldap/ldapdelete -D cn="Directory Manager" -w [Your Password] uid=deaduser,ou=People,dc=domain,dc=ch
>>>>>>>>>>> Delete IMAP Mailbox (even this is not existing):
>>>>>>>>>>> # kolab dm user/deaduser@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>> # service cyrus-imapd stop
>>>>>>>>>>> # pkill idled
>>>>>>>>>>> # service cyrus-imapd start
>>>>>>>>>>> # service kolabd start
>>>>>>>>>>> Clean-Up all DELETED stuff (carefull alsl DELETED marked stuff as deleted Messages etc will be removed):
>>>>>>>>>>> # /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/cyr_expire -D 0 -E 0 -X 0
>>>>>>>>>>> Delete new created Domain:
>>>>>>>>>>> # cd /usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/
>>>>>>>>>>> # /usr/bin/php domain_delete.php
>>>>>>>>>>> I tried several times also with restarting all Services etc. but no success. I have no more ideas how to proceed with this new Domain and/or user to get it working!
>>>>>>>>>>> Any help really appriciated!
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>>>>>>> Email: andrea.soliva@xxxxxxxxxx
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>>>>>>> <kolab-securecrt.log>
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