No, no - we do replication. Replication rocks. You could easily stop the replica and take a snapshot of that, but our real backup solution is much more evil. I've posted it to this list before, but it's basically a perl daemon which knows far too much about how Cyrus locks its data files. It actually reads and parses cyrus.index files to work out what it needs to do. Bron. On Sun, Sep 7, 2014, at 04:50 AM, Marcus Schopen wrote: > Hi Bron, > > Am Samstag, den 06.09.2014, 22:17 +1000 schrieb Bron Gondwana: > > That's what we do :) > > > Thanks for your feedbeek. What's your workaround for not stopping cyrus > before taking a lvm snapshot and run rsnapshot? > > Ciao > Marcus > > > > -- Bron Gondwana brong@xxxxxxxxxxx ---- Cyrus Home Page: List Archives/Info: To Unsubscribe: