Re: Best distro for Exim/Cyrus

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Hi again guys,

thanks for the help thus far.  I have managed to get cyrus talking with exim to deliver mail (the -a inside the quotes did this) and I have the cyrus_sasl driver authenticating using DIGEST-MD5:
   driver = cyrus_sasl
   public_name = DIGEST-MD5
   server_realm =
   server_set_id = $auth1
   server_advertise_condition = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{}{*}}
I can receive mail OK, exim passes it to cyrus and I can work with mailboxes in Thunderbird however I don't seem to be able to authenticate to the SMTP server when sending.  Do I need to specify a separate auth for sending through SMTP?

If I turn on AUTH_SERVER_ALLOW_NOTLS_PASSWORDS = yes I can send if I enable login_sasl_server but I'm sending plaintext passwords.  :-(

If I turn off AUTH_SERVER_ALLOW_NOTLS_PASSWORDS = yes then I cannot send using login_sasl_server because it obviously needs an encrypted password but I keep getting the message relay not permitted.

If I disable login_sasl_server leaving only the digest_md5_sasl_server I still get relay not permitted so it seems it's not authenticating on send.

If it can authenticate for IMAP using digest_md5_sasl_server why would it fail when sending?


Paul O’Rorke
Tracker Software Products paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On 2/17/2014 12:42 AM, Vladislav Kurz wrote:

On Saturday 15 of February 2014 00:05:59 Paul O'Rorke wrote:

> If I don't use any encrypted passwords I can log in, work with

> mailboxes, receive mail but not send (relay not permitted which I

> suspect is so as to not be an open relay..?)


You can always set relay_nets (using "dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config") to your local subnet.


> What do I need to do to authenticate with the cyrus_sasl db? Why would

> the authenticator driver "cyrus_sasl" not be available? Do I need to

> enable that somewhere?


I'm not sure but check if you have installed these packages:


sasl2-bin, libsasl2-modules and exim4-daemon-heavy (instead of -light).


> I've read so many conflicting pages I've completely confused myself.

> Maybe I should be looking at TLS/SSL now...


If you are on secure net, try setting AUTH_SERVER_ALLOW_NOTLS_PASSWORDS = yes (in conf.d/main/00_whatever), to allow plaintext auth.



S pozdravem

Vladislav Kurz


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