Good afternoon all,
I am trying to configure a global sieve script to move all incoming emails to a particular folder. According to the following link this should be a slam dunk: So here is what I did: [shawn@postoffice ~]$ sieveshell -u shawn localhost connecting to localhost Please enter your password: > list phpscript <- active script > get phpscript phpscript.txt > exit [shawn@postoffice ~]$ more phpscript.txt # This script has been automatically generated by avelsieve # (Sieve Mail Filters Plugin for Squirrelmail) # Warning: If you edit this manually, then the changes will not # be reflected in the users' front-end! #AVELSIEVE_VERSIONYTo0OntzOjU6Im1ham9yIjtpOjE7czo1OiJtaW5vciI7aTo5O3M6NzoicmVsZWFzZSI7aTo5O3M6Njoic3 RyaW5nIjtzOjU6IjEuOS45Ijt9 #AVELSIEVE_CREATED1342104019 #AVELSIEVE_MODIFIED1351180357 require ["fileinto","envelope","reject","vacation","imapflags","relational","comparator-i;ascii-nume ric","regex","notify"]; #START_SIEVE_RULEYTo1OntzOjQ6ImNvbmQiO2E6MTp7aTowO2E6NTp7czo0OiJraW5kIjtzOjc6Im1lc3NhZ2UiO3M6NDoidHl wZSI7czo2OiJoZWFkZXIiO3M6NjoiaGVhZGVyIjtzOjExOiJYLVNwYW0tRmxhZyI7czo5OiJtYXRjaHR5cGUiO3M6MjoiaXMiO3M 6MTE6ImhlYWRlcm1hdGNoIjtzOjM6IllFUyI7fX1zOjQ6InR5cGUiO3M6MToiMSI7czo5OiJjb25kaXRpb24iO3M6MzoiYW5kIjt zOjY6ImFjdGlvbiI7czoxOiI1IjtzOjY6ImZvbGRlciI7czoxMDoiSU5CT1guU1BBTSI7fQ%3D%3DEND_SIEVE_RULE if header :is "X-Spam-Flag" "YES" { fileinto "INBOX.SPAM"; } At this point I am a little baffled, since this should be moving all X-Spam-Flag that are YES into a folder INBOX.SPAM which does not exists at the top level (although I assume this means it should be filtered into each users individual SPAM folder). I am using Squirrelmail as a web based from end for my remote users and imagine the package manager must have installed this at some point. To simplify my life I re-wrote the script as: require ["fileinto","envelope","reject","vacation","imapflags","relational","comparator-i;ascii-nume ric","regex","notify"]; if exists "X-Spam-Flag" { if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES" { fileinto "user.techsupport.SPAM"; stop; } } then [shawn@postoffice ~]$ sieveshell -u shawn localhost connecting to localhost Please enter your password: > put phpscript.txt phpscript > list phpscript <- active script > quit However, users are still receiving emails marked as SPAM in their inbox. What I am trying to do is make it so that any and all emails marked as SPAM are redirected to a single folder called SPAM in the techsupport users mail store. Any help is greatly appreciated, Shawn |
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