Re: 2.4.16 strangeness on centos-5x64

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hi dan

On Thu, 2012-10-25 at 13:11 -0500, Dan White wrote:
On 10/25/12 18:32 +0200, mayak-cq wrote:
>hi all,
>i have centos5-x64 box running cyrus 2.4.16 ...
>i have several user that have experienced their mail showing up in other
>users boxes -- aaa@xxxxxxxxxx mail arrives in bbb@xxxxxxxxxx box.

Check your mail logs. See if this is an issue where the message envelope
mismatched the message headers, which is common with spam messages, and
with BCC'd recipients.
these were real mails -- that is -- coming from known clients -- i'll be curious to hear if this happens again after rebuilding the db's

>then, i noticed that the quota report was showing an account as being
>nearly over quota (2G) but when i inspect
>the /var/spool/imap/domain/.... directory, there's hardly any mail - a
>`du -hs` shows 500k
>so --
>- i rebooted the machine and did an e2fsc on the /var partition -- no
>- create a shell script and did a reconstruct -rG on all the boxes
>but, i'm still seeing an erroneous quota report ...
>this is a pretty small setup -- about 16G of mail with  everyone gone at
>night -- is there something that i can run to really rebuild the entire
>mail store?

Use cyrus's quota utility to fix quota usage. reconstruct does not do so.
ah -- thanks -- i missed the -f

worked like a champ



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