On 2006-11-13 at 20:44 +0100, Wolfgang Hennerbichler wrote: [ sieve client ] > Is there a command-line TLS-enabled tool out there? I just wrote one. I'm going to bed without figuring out what I'm doing wrong with GSSAPI -- it looks like the same SASL handling as I have in my IMAP client code and I'm pretty sure that I tested that with Authen::SASL::Perl as well as with my own direct GSSAPI implementation, but I'm not sure now. Too tired, sorry. I'd appreciate a nudge pointing me to my mistake which is preventing GSSAPI from working. As a result, you're stuck with something which prompts for a password. Search for "ReadLine", change that callback function to do whatever you want for a password. Only tested with DIGEST-MD5. It's attached, and also on my website in case it gets mangled somewhere in the mail path between me and you. <URL:http://people.spodhuis.org/~pdp/software/sieve_connect-v62> MD5(sieve_connect-v62) =57d593c900bc76a6886c41bfd3183a39 SHA1(sieve_connect-v62) =e967d976d8479ba9dd84c1be2507dee4a7170b70 RIPEMD160(sieve_connect-v62) =f8b1725fb940a3a0a0220757a218ea09ca2b0e61 There's POD usage stuff, you can invoke with --man to get a man-page, or just use --help, etc. Module requirements listed below for your convenience. The only one which might reasonably cause problems, given the stated requirements, is IO::Socket::INET6. I need it because my IMAP server is only reachable via IPv6, you can probably s/INET6/INET/ without too many problems. You should be safe enough installing the module though -- it handles IPv4 almost transparently. ----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------ =head1 PREREQUISITES Perl. C<Authen::SASL>. C<IO::Socket::INET6>. C<IO::Socket::SSL> (at least version 0.97). C<Pod::Usage>. C<Term::ReadKey> to get passwords without echo. Various other Perl modules which are believed to be standard. ----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------ This should at least provide a basis for modifying for your needs. Regards, -Phil
#!/usr/bin/perl # # $HeadURL: http://svn.spodhuis.org/svn/spodhuis-tools/bin/sieve_connect $ # $Id: sieve_connect 62 2006-11-14 05:11:48Z pdp $ # # timesieved client script # use warnings; use strict; my %ssl_options = ( SSL_version => 'TLSv1', SSL_cipher_list => 'ALL:!NULL:!LOW:!EXP:!ADH:@STRENGTH', SSL_verify_mode => 0x01, SSL_ca_path => '/etc/ssl/certs', ); # ###################################################################### # No user-serviceable parts below use Authen::SASL qw(Perl); # Need a way to ask which mechanism to send use Errno; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use IO::Socket::INET6; use IO::Socket::SSL 0.97; # SSL_ca_path bogus before 0.97 use MIME::Base64; use Pod::Usage; use Term::ReadKey; sub debug; sub sent; sub ssend; sub sget; sub sfinish; sub received; sub closedie; sub closedie_NOmsg; my $DEBUGGING = 0; my $localsievename; my $remotesievename; my ($user, $authzid, $authmech); my $server = 'localhost'; my $port = 'sieve(2000)'; my $net_domain = AF_UNSPEC; my $action = 'noop'; GetOptions( "localsieve=s" => \$localsievename, "remotesieve=s" => \$remotesievename, "server=s" => \$server, "port=s" => \$port, # not num, allow service names "user=s" => \$user, "authmech=s" => \$authmech, "4" => sub { $net_domain = AF_INET }, "6" => sub { $net_domain = AF_INET6 }, "debug" => \$DEBUGGING, # option names can be short-circuited, $action is complete: "upload" => sub { $action = 'upload' }, "download" => sub { $action = 'download' }, "list" => sub { $action = 'list' }, "delete" => sub { $action = 'delete' }, "activate" => sub { $action = 'activate' }, "deactivate" => sub { $action = 'deactivate' }, 'help|?' => sub { pod2usage(0) }, 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) }, ) or pod2usage(2); # We don't implement HAVESPACE <script> <size> pod2usage(2) if $action eq 'noop'; die "Bad server name\n" unless $server =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+\z/; die "Bad port specification\n" unless $port =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_()-]+\z/; unless (defined $user) { $user = getpwuid $>; # FIXME: will break Win32 } if (defined $localsievename and not defined $remotesievename) { $remotesievename = $localsievename; } if (defined $localsievename and $action eq 'upload') { -r $localsievename or die "unable to read \"$localsievename\": $!\n"; } if ($action eq 'download' and not defined $localsievename) { die "Need a local filename (or '-') for download.\n"; } if (($action eq 'activate' or $action eq 'delete' or $action eq 'download') and not defined $remotesievename) { die "Need a remote scriptname for '$action'\n"; } if ($action eq 'deactivate' and defined $remotesievename) { die "Deactivate deactivates the current script, may not specify one.\n"; # Future feature -- list and deactivate if specified script is # current. That has a concurrency race condition and is not # conceivably useful, so ignored at least for the present. } # ###################################################################### # Start work; connect, start TLS, authenticate my $sock = IO::Socket::INET6->new( PeerHost => $server, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Domain => $net_domain, ); unless (defined $sock) { my $extra = ''; if ($!{EINVAL} and $net_domain != AF_UNSPEC) { $extra = " (Probably no host record for overriden IP version)\n"; } die qq{Connection to "$server" [port $port] failed: $!\n$extra}; } $sock->autoflush(1); my %capa; my %raw_capabilities; my %capa_dosplit = map {$_ => 1} qw( SASL SIEVE ); sub parse_capabilities { my $sock = shift; %raw_capabilities = (); %capa = (); while (<$sock>) { chomp; s/\s*$//; received; last if /^OK$/; if (/^\"([^"]+)\"\s+\"(.+)\"$/) { my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); $raw_capabilities{$k} = $v; $capa{$k} = $v; if (exists $capa_dosplit{$k}) { $capa{$k} = [ split /\s+/, $v ]; } } elsif (/^\"([^"]+)\"$/) { $raw_capabilities{$1} = ''; $capa{$1} = 1; } else { warn "Unhandled server line: $_\n" } } } parse_capabilities $sock; #foreach my $k (sort keys %raw_capabilities) { # print "Capability $k\n\t$raw_capabilities{$k}\n"; #} if (exists $capa{STARTTLS}) { ssend $sock, "STARTTLS"; sget $sock; die "STARTTLS request rejected: $_\n" unless /^OK\s+\"/; IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($sock, %ssl_options) or do { my $e = IO::Socket::SSL::errstr(); die "STARTTLS promotion failed: $e\n"; }; ssend $sock, "CAPABILITY"; parse_capabilities $sock; # foreach my $k (sort keys %raw_capabilities) { # print "Capability $k\n\t$raw_capabilities{$k}\n"; # } } my %authen_sasl_params; $authen_sasl_params{callback}{user} = $user; if (defined $authzid) { $authen_sasl_params{callback}{authname} = $authzid; } $authen_sasl_params{callback}{pass} = sub { ReadMode('noecho'); { print "Sieve/IMAP Password: "; $| = 1; } my $password = ReadLine(0); ReadMode('normal'); print "\n"; chomp $password if defined $password; return $password; }; closedie $sock, "Do not have an authentication mechanism list\n" unless ref($capa{SASL}) eq 'ARRAY'; if (defined $authmech) { $authmech = uc $authmech; if (grep {$_ eq $authmech} map {uc $_} @{$capa{SASL}}) { debug "auth: will try requested SASL mechanism $authmech"; } else { closedie $sock, "Server does not offer SASL mechanism $authmech\n"; } $authen_sasl_params{mechanism} = $authmech; } else { $authen_sasl_params{mechanism} = $raw_capabilities{SASL}; } my $sasl = Authen::SASL->new(%authen_sasl_params); die "SASL object init failed (local problem): $!\n" unless defined $sasl; my $authconversation = $sasl->client_new('sieve', $server) or die "SASL conversation init failed (local problem): $!\n"; { my $sasl_m = $authconversation->mechanism() or die "Oh why can't I decide which auth mech to send?\n"; if ($sasl_m eq 'GSSAPI') { # gross hack, but it was bad of us to assume anything. # It also means that we ignore anything specified by the # user, which is good since it's Kerberos anyway. # (Major Assumption Alert!) $authconversation->callback( user => undef, pass => undef, ); } my $sasl_tosend = $authconversation->client_start(); if (defined $sasl_tosend) { my $mimedata = encode_base64($sasl_tosend, ''); my $mlen = length($mimedata); ssend $sock, qq!AUTHENTICATE "$sasl_m" {${mlen}+}!; ssend $sock, $mimedata; } else { ssend $sock, qq{AUTHENTICATE "$sasl_m"}; } sget $sock; while ($_ !~ /^(OK|NO)(?:\s.*)$/) { unless (/^{(\d+)}$/) { sfinish $sock, "*"; die $sock, "Failure to parse server SASL response.\n"; } my $challenge_len = $1; my $challenge = ''; while ($challenge_len > 0) { sget $sock; $challenge_len -= length($_); $challenge .= $_; } $challenge = decode_base64($challenge); my $response = $authconversation->client_step($challenge); $response = '' unless defined $response; # sigh my $senddata = encode_base64($response, ''); my $sendlen = length $senddata; my $sendsuffix = $sendlen > 0 ? '+' : ''; ssend $sock, "{$sendlen$sendsuffix}"; ssend $sock, $senddata if $sendlen > 0; sget $sock; } if (/^NO((?:\s.*)?)$/) { closedie_NOmsg $sock, $1, "Authentication refused by server"; } } # ###################################################################### # We're in, do the requested action # Ugly poor-man's switch. This isn't supposed to be part of a more extensible # whole. if ($action eq 'list') { ssend $sock, "LISTSCRIPTS"; sget $sock; while (/^\"/) { print "$_\n"; sget $sock; } sfinish $sock; exit 0; } if ($action eq 'deactivate') { $remotesievename = ""; $action = 'activate'; } if ($action eq 'activate') { ssend $sock, "SETACTIVE \"$remotesievename\""; sget $sock; unless (/^OK((?:\s.*)?)$/) { warn "SETACTIVE($remotesievename) failed: $_\n"; } sfinish $sock; exit 0; } if ($action eq 'delete') { ssend $sock, "DELETESCRIPT \"$remotesievename\""; sget $sock; unless (/^OK((?:\s.*)?)$/) { warn "DELETESCRIPT($remotesievename) failed: $_\n"; } sfinish $sock; exit 0; } if ($action eq 'download') { closedie $sock, "No local sieve name?\n" unless defined $localsievename; closedie $sock, "No remote sieve name?\n" unless defined $remotesievename; ssend $sock, qq{GETSCRIPT "$remotesievename"}; sget $sock; if (/^NO((?:\s.*)?)$/) { closedie_NOmsg $sock, $1, "Script not returned by server"; } if (/^OK((?:\s.*)?)$/) { warn "Empty script?\n"; sfinish $sock; exit 0; } unless (/^{(\d+)}$/) { closedie $sock, "Failed to parse server response to GETSCRIPT"; } my $fh; unless ($localsievename eq '-') { $fh = new IO::File $localsievename, '>' or closedie $sock, "write-open($localsievename) failed: $!\n"; select $fh; } my $len = $1; while ($len > 0) { sget $sock, '-nochomp'; print $_; $len -= length($_); } sget $sock; if (defined $fh) { $fh->close() or closedie $sock, "write-close($localsievename) failed: $!\n"; } sfinish $sock; exit 0; } if ($action eq 'upload') { closedie $sock, "No local sieve name?\n" unless defined $localsievename; closedie $sock, "No remote sieve name?\n" unless defined $remotesievename; # I'm going to assume that any Sieve script will easily fit in memory. # Since Cyrus enforces admin-specified size constraints, this is # probably pretty safe. my $fh = new IO::File $localsievename, '<' or closedie $sock, "aborting, read-open($localsievename) failed: $!\n"; my @scriptlines = $fh->getlines(); $fh->close() or closedie $sock, "aborting, read-close($localsievename failed: $!\n"; my $len = 0; $len += length($_) foreach @scriptlines; ssend $sock, "PUTSCRIPT \"$remotesievename\" {${len}+}"; ssend $sock, '-noeol', @scriptlines; ssend $sock, ''; sget $sock; unless (/^OK((?:\s.*)?)$/) { warn "PUTSCRIPT($remotesievename) failed: $_\n"; } sfinish $sock; exit 0; } print "We're in, but with nothing to do ... goodbye.\n"; sfinish $sock; exit 0; # ###################################################################### # minor routines sub debug { return unless $DEBUGGING; print STDERR "$_[0]\n"; } sub sent { $_[0] = $_ unless defined $_[0]; debug ">>> $_[0]"; } sub received { $_[0] = $_ unless defined $_[0]; debug "<<< $_[0]"; } sub ssend { my $sock = shift; my $eol = "\r\n"; if (defined $_[0] and $_[0] eq '-noeol') { shift; $eol = ''; } foreach my $l (@_) { $sock->print("$l$eol"); sent $l; } } sub sget { my $sock = shift; my $l; $l = $sock->getline(); unless (defined $_[0] and $_[0] eq '-nochomp') { chomp $l; $l =~ s/\s*$//; } received $l; if (defined wantarray) { return $l; } else { $_ = $l; } } sub sfinish { my $sock = shift; if (defined $_[0]) { ssend $sock, $_[0]; sget $sock; } ssend $sock, "LOGOUT"; sget $sock; } sub closedie { my $sock = shift; my $e = $!; sfinish $sock; $! = $e; die @_; } sub closedie_NOmsg { my $sock = shift; my $suffix = shift; if (length $suffix) { $suffix = ':' . $suffix; } else { $suffix = '.'; } closedie $_[0] . $suffix . "\n"; } # ###################################################################### __END__ =head1 NAME sieve_connect -- simple sieve command-line client =head1 SYNOPSIS sieve_connect [--localsieve <script>] [--remotesieve <script>] [--debug] [--server <hostname>] [--port <portspec>] [--4|--6] [--user <authentication_id>] [--authzid <authzid>] [--authmech <mechanism>] [--upload|--download|--list|--delete| --activate|--deactivate] [--help|--man] =head1 DESCRIPTION B<sieve_connect> is a simple timsieved protocol client for scriptable interaction with timsieved, as distributed with the Cyrus IMAP server. The remote sieve script name defaults to the same as the local sieve script name, so just specify the local one if only one is needed; it was a deliberate decision to have the defaults this way around, to make people think about names in the local filesystem. There is no default script name. The C<--debug> option turns on diagnostic traces. The server can be a host or IP address, IPv4 or IPv6, default is C<localhost>. The port can be any Perl port specification, default is C<sieve(2000)>. The C<--4> or C<--6> options may be used to coerce IPv4 or IPv6. The C<--user> option will be required unless you're on a Unix system with getpwuid() available and your Cyrus account name matches your system account name. C<--authmech> can be used to force a particular authenticaiton mechanism. C<--authzid> can be used to request authorisation to act as the specified id. The remaining options denote actions. One, and only one, action must be present. This is a simple client, so is not scriptable beyond single-action. It is believed that the names of these actions are sufficiently self-descriptive for any English-speaker who can safely be allowed unaccompanied computer usage. =head1 BUGS Not fully portable to Win32 because C<getpwuid()> is used to provide a default usercode. If the authentication protocol negotiates a protection layer then things will rapidly Go Bad. A mitigating factor is that no protection layer should be negotiated whilst under STARTTLS protection. Just use TLS! =head1 HISTORY B<sieve_connect> was written as a demonstration for the C<info-cyrus> mailing-list, 2006-11-14. =head1 AUTHOR Phil Pennock is guilty, m'Lud. =head1 PREREQUISITES Perl. C<Authen::SASL>. C<IO::Socket::INET6>. C<IO::Socket::SSL> (at least version 0.97). C<Pod::Usage>. C<Term::ReadKey> to get passwords without echo. Various other Perl modules which are believed to be standard. =cut timsieved lex.c shows commands are: switch (*str) { case 'a': if (strcmp(str, "authenticate")==0) return AUTHENTICATE; break; case 'c': if (strcmp(str, "capability")==0) return CAPABILITY; break; case 'd': if (strcmp(str, "deletescript")==0) return DELETESCRIPT; break; case 'g': if (strcmp(str, "getscript")==0) return GETSCRIPT; break; case 'h': if (strcmp(str, "havespace")==0) return HAVESPACE; break; case 'l': if (strcmp(str, "listscripts")==0) return LISTSCRIPTS; if (strcmp(str, "logout")==0) return LOGOUT; break; case 'p': if (strcmp(str, "putscript")==0) return PUTSCRIPT; break; case 's': if (strcmp(str, "setactive")==0) return SETACTIVE; if (strcmp(str, "starttls")==0 && tls_enabled()) return STARTTLS; break;
Description: PGP signature
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