Re: Cyrus, Solaris 10, ZFS? (and NIS?)

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--On Thursday, October 05, 2006 04:13:18 PM -0400 Elizabeth Schwartz <betsy.schwartz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The interesting bit seems to be here:
     .      . -> mynewstate(0x165769, 0x40404040, 0x0)
     .      . -> mycanonifyid(0x165769, 0x0, 0x0)
     .      . -> libcyrus_config_getswitch(0x2, 0x11AF55, 0x5)
    43      5 <- libcyrus_config_getswitch = 84
   135     20 <- mycanonifyid = 292
     .      . -> xmalloc(0x5C, 0x11AF5D, 0x5)
    38     14 <- xmalloc = 28
     .      . -> libcyrus_config_getswitch(0x1, 0x0, 0x1647CB)
    40      3 <- libcyrus_config_getswitch = 84
     .      . -> xrealloc(0x0, 0x4, 0xE488)
    68     14 <- xrealloc = 64
     .      . -> xstrdup(0x16871C, 0x4, 0xE488)
     .      . -> xmalloc(0x9, 0x2A0031, 0x168724)
    30      7 <- xmalloc = 28
    94     16 <- xstrdup = 40
8235260 109820 <- mynewstate = 356

mynewstate is taking 8s to run, and very little of the time is taken up in local subroutines. auth_unix.c:mynewstate calls getpwnam, and then iterates over all the groups using getgrent(), checking to see what groups the user is in. The fact that imapd does this twice might be a bug, but even if it didn't do it twice, it would still be slow.
Is running "getent group" slow?
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